For Jimin (Part 2)

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Third Person's POV

Sunmi was sitting in front of her vanity, admiring her beauty. She was putting on her make-up, doing her hair, and putting on her best clothes. She was putting her plan into action, to get Yoongi to come back home.

"There's no way he can resist me. He loved me in high school, and I know he still loves me." Sunmi was just finishing the touches of her make-up, when one of her goons walked into her room.

"Your highness, I brought the man you wanted to see." Sunmi smiled evilly, already loving how everything was going her way.

"Bring him in." Suddenly Leeteuk walked into her room not even waiting like he was told.

"There's no need. Why am I here anyway brat?" Sunmi got pissed at the word, but smiled anyway to gain Leeteuk's trust. She dismissed her goon so she could talk to Leeteuk alone.

"You're only out of jail because on my family's influence." Sunmi circled Leeteuk whispering in his ear. "If you prefer, I could send you back." Leeteuk grabbed Sunmi by her neck and squeezed.

"Don't test me brat. I don't have the patience for you, and you damn sure don't have anything I want." Sunmi smiled through the pain in her neck, trying to get out of Leeteuk's grip. She was able to gasp out a name.

"Ji...min." Leeteuk released her, her body falling to the floor as she gasped for air.

"What the hell do you want?" Sunmi stood once more, gaining her composure, jumping with joy on the inside.

"All I want is Min Yoongi." Leeteuk thought about the name, and the anger showed on his face as he thought about Min Yoongi taking his Jimin every night.

"And why am I here? What do I get out of this deal?" Sunmi touched Leeteuk's cheek, rubbing gently as she smiled wickedly at him.

"As I said before. Jimin. I need you to remove him from Yoongi's side, do this and he'll be yours. All I ask is for you to keep Yoongi for me."

"And what makes you think Min Yoongi will just let that happen?"

"Don't worry about him. I can take care of Yoongi bear. You just get Jimin away from him. I have some men who can help you with the task since I wasn't able to get your friends out of jail."

Suddenly two strong looking men can into the room, bowing in the presence of Sunmi. The first one had blond and blue hair, and the other had dark brown hair.

"Introduce yourselves." Sunmi instructed. The first one with the blond and blue hair spoke first.

"I'm Lee Hoseok, but you can call me Wonho." He bowed to Leeteuk.

(A/N: Uggggh kill me now!! This is illegal!!)

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(A/N: Uggggh kill me now!! This is illegal!!)

The second man spoke up next.

"I'm Sohn Hyunwoo, but you can address me as Shownu."

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