Roommates Part 1

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Yoongi's POV

I woke up to the sound of my annoying ass phone ringing constantly and I just lay in bed praying it would stop. I already knew who it was, and I was not in the mood to talk to anyone at this un Godly hour. It finally stopped ringing, making me sigh in relief. That is until it started all over again. I might as well answer or he's not going to stop calling. I threw my covers off my body, sitting up in only my boxers. It got hot last night so instead of getting up to turn the air up, I just got naked and went back to sleep. I picked up my phone and answered without looking at the caller ID.

"What?" I made sure Namjoon could tell I was upset with him for calling me this early.

"Hey hyung, how are you?" I could hear his dreadful cheery voice through the receiver, but of course he missed the sound of me being pissed off, or he just ignored it like he always does.

"Namjoon, what the hell did you call me for at this un Godly hour?"

"Hyung, it's 1 pm." I could literally feel his eye roll through the phone.

"Your point is?" He just sighed and continued to speak.

"I called to let you know Jimin wants to see the apartment later. He's working the day shift with Jinnie right now to get some extra money before he moves in. He said something about not wanting to pay you first months rent before he moves in."

"Wow that's actually nice of him." I listened to more details about the visit, as I made my way to the kitchen to brew me some coffee.

"Also you might want to clean up a little as well. I'm sure he doesn't want to live with a slob." I grabbed the milk from the fridge and poured some into my coffee, grabbing a few cubes of sugar as well.

"Yeah, yeah I hear you. What time was he suppose to be here anyway?"

"Jinnie said they won't get off work until 6, since he's actually closing early to help Jimin, so I say about 7." I almost broke my phone I squeezed it so hard.

"So you're telling me you woke me up at this un Godly hour-"

"At 1pm."

"Just to tell me they won't be here until 7?" I was fuming at this point. I wasted precious sleep because of this asshole.

"Better safe than sorry hyung. I was trying to help you." I hung up on him slamming my phone on the cabinet. He can't be fucking serious. I just sighed and finished up my cup of coffee. I looked around the living room. It wasn't that dirty, but it did need to be cleaned a little bit. I played some music, and just got to work, cleaning room after room.


A few hours later I finished up the cleaning ending in the kitchen. I looked at my clock on the stove and it read 3:35. I had time to finish my errands for the day. I needed to visit Hoseok for his part of the track, because some dipshit forgot. I made my way back to my room pulling out some clothes from my closet and laying them on the bed. I walked into the bathroom in the hallway and started the shower so it could heat up. Once it was hot enough I stepped in letting the fire hit my sore muscles. I relaxed washing up before getting out wrapping the towel around my waist. Once I was dried and dressed I grabbed my keys, wallet, and cellphone. I walked past my mirror and examined my outfit. Simple and clean. I didn't really need to dress up, but who doesn't like to look nice.

 I didn't really need to dress up, but who doesn't like to look nice

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