Chapter 10

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Around midnight they retired to their rooms. Shiro decided he would tell Katie how he felt. Hunk and Shay cuddled all night long while Matt and Allura made out in their room.

Lance was feeling a little down in his room; he decided to confide in Keith. "Hey Keith?" He said as they laid on the bed. "What?" He grumbled. "Do you think I'll actually find love one day?" The question was answered with silence. "I always look at how happy Hunk and Shay and Allura and Matt are together and I wonder if I'll ever have that too." More silence as Keith listened. "Even Shiro. He obviously has a thing for Katie and she probably likes him too. Then where does that leave me?" He sighed. "I think you'll absolutely find love one day." Keith finally said. Even if he couldn't have him, he could at least help him to find happiness. His kind words touched Lance. "Thanks man." He said rolling over to face him. They smiled at one another.

There was a long silence as Keith remembered his advice. He broke the silence. "Hey Lance." He said nervously. "Yeah Keith?" He said. Keith took a deep breath. "You make me really happy." Silence. "I want to be around you all the time. I-I love the way you smile and how you make cheesy jokes and your stupid adorable face. I just-" he paused Lance listening intently. "I-I love you Lance." He finished. "And I know you don't feel the same way about me, but I had to tell you." There was silence.

Lance couldn't believe what he was hearing. Keith liked him? "I mean, sure he was kind of cute when he pouted, and he was kind of hot, but..." Lance couldn't think of a 'but'. Did he like Keith? This was insane! All his life he'd been flirting with girls and now when someone actually wanted him, he doesn't know how to react! Keith had opened up to Lance about his true feelings which meant a lot to him. Keith almost never did that. He was always heavily guarded when it came to his emotions. He fact that he felt close enough to share something so personal meant a lot to Lance.

He slowly said "Keith?" "Y-Yeah?" He replied very nervously. "I..." He thought for a moment. "I really like being around you too." He said. Keith looked up at him. "You always look out for me when I do stupid shit, and I love the way you scrunch your eyes when you think too hard, and your beautiful face." Keith's breath was gone. "I love you too Keith. All of you." He said as he realized his true feelings. He laced his fingers in Keith's.

Lance smiled at him warmly and they embraced each other in a warm hug. Keith looked up "You don't know how long I've been dreaming for you to say that." He cried into his shoulder. "Please don't cry, baby." Lance said wiping away his tears with his thumb, his hand cupping his face. Before he knew what he was doing, Keith leaned in and kissed him. It was a warm kiss that made them both feel sparks.

When they pulled part, Lance looked into the shorter boy's eyes and said "I guess I did find the one for me." Keith smiled and they kissed again.

Shiro laid beside Katie in the bed with the dim lamp on. "Hey Katie?" He started. "Yeah Shiro?" She said her heart skipping a beat. "Do you remember how when you asked me 'how come you aren't dating anyone' I said 'I hadn't found her yet'?" "Yeah.." she said wondering where this was going. "Well.." he took a deep breath. "I think I found her." He said. She felt like she was going to cry. "Wow. She's really lucky. Do I know her?" The heartbroken girl tried to be nice. "Yeah." He said. "Who is it?" She was shaking. "It's you Katie." He said nervously. Her world stopped.

She turned to face him. "W-What?" She said in shock. "I really like you Katie. I love the way you smile, and how you're so smart, and how you always put others before yourself." She listened in disbelief.
"I love how you fight for what's right and won't take anyone's crap." He laughed. "I love being around you all the time. I just want to hold you in my arms  and protect you forever. I want you to be mine." He said looking at her hopefully.

"I-I don't understand." She said. "Why would you like someone like me? I'm not even that pretty." She looked away. "That's ridiculous katie! You're beautiful!" He took her hand. "And I love all of you." He said kissing her small knuckles. "Really?" She looked up. "Truly." He said. "I love you too Shiro!" She said as she hugged him tightly smiling so wide. "Don't let me go." She said into his shoulder. "Never." He said.

He held her for a long time before he broke the hug and looked into her eyes. "What's wrong?" She asked concerned. "Nothing." He said and he leaned in to kiss her. Their lips met and Katie deepened the kiss. Shiro pulled her closer and held her tighter. When they finally separated he smiled and said "I love you so much." "Me too." She looked up at him and nuzzled into his chest for the rest of the night. Shiro leaned over to turn off the lamp and they fell asleep in each other's arms.

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