Jaire 5

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I needed to step my shyt and stop worrying about things that were outside of my control, I also needed to get my relationships in order; I had to accept the fact that the most me and Elijah were ever going to be is friends, I had to accept the fact that Elijah and Doofus... I mean Duron were a package deal.... though our relationship was getting better I knew we still had a long way to go. I had to work on my relationship with my son Halo because it killed me that I missed the first few years of his life and I had to figure out what was going on with me and Kolby..... that was the most difficult of all because on the few times me and him had spoken he insisted that there was nothing wrong yet the tone and tenor of his voice told me something differently. But there wasn't too much I could do about it since Kolby and Chris were in St. Louis visiting family so I would have to focus on the things that I could control the first being my son who was a little too quiet. I walked upstairs to his room to find him cleaning up all his toys, sometimes I really didn't get this kid one minute he's like a tornado the next he's extremely polite and well-behaved. I didn't want to disturb him so instead, I walked downstairs and out to my garage it was a nice day so I decided to work on my motorcycle which I had been neglecting.

"Here......." Halo said coming outside and sitting next to me and handing me a random wrench that I didn't need but I appreciated the help because it actually gave us time to bond without words.

"Aww ain't that sweet...." Niño said walking up the driveway with Emmanuel, Roy, and Terico who I was actually surprised to see because I thought he'd be in Pittsburgh getting ready for the season but nevertheless I was happy to see him because in truth Terico was like my little brother and I missed talking to him.

"Shut up Niño.... what brings y'all here?" I asked getting up and wiping the grease and oil from my hands on to my shirt, yeah I was kinda dirty but that came with the job of working on vehicles.

"We felt like you could use the night off so Serenity and Brittney agreed to watch Halo while we have a boys night out." Terico said and I looked at him because though I loved my son, Brittney was pregnant as fuck and didn't need that kind of stress.

"Man I don't know, I mean Halo is kinda a handful and......What?" I asked because they all started looking at each other as if they were suspecting this reaction from me.

"Jaire when was the last time you've been out the house? When was the last time you took a day for yourself? And most importantly when was the last time you busted a nut because you're looking a little pale and that's definitely not a compliment." Roy said and I forgot how annoyingly truthful he was.

"I haven't been out the house in a few days, I haven't had a day to myself since Halo got here and I haven't had sex since Kolby left and I won't be having sex until he gets back because in case you didn't know me and Kolby are in a relationship and I don't cheat...... Now y'all can go out and have fun because Lord knows y'alls days are numbered I'm mainly talking to you and Terico because y'all both got babies on the way and once they get here y'all really won't be able to do shyt besides change pampers and feed them when they get hungry." I said.

"Serenity will handle all that my job as a father will be to sit back and teach him how to be a man...." Roy said smirking.

"Nigga you still a damn kid yourself and we all know who runs your household and it ain't you.... to be honest, I wouldn't be surprised if you were taking Serenity's last name instead her taking yours." I said laughing.

"Damn who told you? Was it Elijah? I swear that nigga runs his mouth too damn much." Roy said smirking.

"Honestly it's not up for debate.... now go pack Halo a bag, find you something nice to wear and get in the shower because we're taking you out tonight whether you want to go or not." Niño said looking at me. "Nigga I'm not playing hell if I have to I'll get in the shower with you to make sure you get ready..... not literally but you know what I mean." Niño said and for a moment I flashback to the night we met at Luka's friend's party.....

"I agree that shyt was hot as fuck....." I said and I couldn't even lie I had been watching Niño for about an hour at the point because there was something about him.... maybe it was because I had never been to a sex party before but I was definitely attracted to him and I could tell that the smile on my face him nervous. "I'm Jaire." I said smiling and Niño nodded.

"I'm Niño..... look I'm not going to beat around the bush I wanna fuck with you, but I'm tired as fuck. So let's find room, sleep then have some wake-up sex tomorrow." He said and I started laughing because I like his bluntness.

"Fuck it... knowing my boyfriend he's probably still gettin it in and I hate sleeping alone so come on." I said and Niño nodded....

And though it didn't end up happening that way I could tell that it was on Niño' mind as well ad for a split second I wondered what would've happened if we would've gone through with it but the moment passed as Niño looked away from me and I remembered that I had a boyfriend.

"Man aight but I'm not paying for shyt.... come on Halo." I said picking up my tools and started putting them back into my toolbox, everyone left except for Terico who followed me into the house and sat on the counter. "How are you adapting to Pittsburgh?" I asked pouring some milk into Halo's sippy cup.

"I'm still learning the city and the playbook, and the rulebook but other than that everything is running smoothly, Brittney loves it but uhhh..... what the hell was that out there?" Terico asked and even though I knew exactly what he was talking about I decided to play dumb because I wasn't even sure what that was either. "Come Jay I'm not stupid, I saw that little exchange between you and Niño, are you feeling that nigga or something?" Terico asked.

"It was nothing.... but a conversation between boys, I'm with Kolby and I'm extremely happy with my dude. Niño i attractive don't get me wrong but Kolby was there for me when I was in a bad place and cheating on him would be extremely disrespectful." I said holding his intense gaze.

"If you say so Jaire, you know I'm only looking out for your best interest. You're my brother and I don't wanna see you get caught up in your feelings of loneliness and end up doing something you might regret." Terico said.

"Loneliness? Man I'm good, I got Halo, I got Blue.... I got my family, my friend......I'm not going to risj my relationship with Cash over anything. I think you're reading way too much into this little bro." I said and thankfully Halo walked into the kitchen which gave me a reason to end this pointless conversation. "Halo you wanna go stay with your Aunt Serenity tonight?" I asked and Halo's eyes got big and he started shaking his head quickly, I don't know what Serenity did to my child but whenever she was around he was on his best behavior which was probably a sign that Serenity's house was the best place for him tonight since I was being forced to go out with them.

"Yeah he's right here....." Terico said and I looked at him and tried to figure out why he was on my phone. "You wanna talk to him?" Terico asked looking me with that devious little smirk on his face and I was tempted to punch him in the fuckin arm but I'd probably end up hurting my hand so I took the phone from him and felt my heart speed up a little.

"Wassup Kolby?" I said realizing that it's almost been a full week since we last spoke.

"This Khris..... Kolby went to the gym or pool or something but I wanted to check on you since we haven't spoken in a while." Khris said and I can't even lie, I was disappointed; Khris was my little bro but I really didn't want to talk to him at the moment.

"Khris what's going on with Kolby? Like seriously it seems like he's avoiding me....." I said quietly because I could feel Terico's eyes burning into the back of my head.

"Coach Jay.... that's something you and Kolby should talk about, just know he's still crazy about you but.... I really can't say, you're like my big bro but Kolby IS my big bro and I can't go into details about private conversations me and him have." Khris said and I even though I hated that answer I had to respect it. "Ayy I'll hit you up a little later." Khris said and I heard Kolby in the background saying something but I couldn't make it out before Khris hung up the phone. Maybe I was over thinking things but I could feel the shift in me and Kolby's relationship, I just hoped that whenever he got back we could work through whatever issues we're having...............................

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