Luka 63

479 46 17

Chino was in my bed sleeping soundly, I can't say I was surprised though because the way I had just put this dick on him, I could probably start blasting music and his ass wouldn't budge. I know what would wake him up though, my dick started getting hard and my mouth started watering.... but nah I couldn't, I had somewhere to be and I was already running a little late. I slipped outta bed and tiptoed to the shower, if I did this correctly then I could hit this party and be back before Chino even knew I was gone. I felt kinda bad about leaving him but he knew I had some business to take care of and besides, he already let me know he wasn't a party type of dude.... which was weird considering that's where we met. These past few weeks I had been focusing on school and my business, my big brother Meeko had been back and forth between here and Cali getting things set up over there and I had been here avoiding my 'parents'.... Real shyt, I didn't have anything to say to them, what kind of 'parents' kick their own child out for being different? Fuck them and fuck Li'Angelo for trying to make me feel guilty about not wanting anything to do with them.

"You leaving?" Chino said walking into the shower with me and my initial answer was 'fuck no, I'm about to stay and fuck you into a coma' but instead, I just smiled and nodded. "I should probably head home then, I feel like I've been here for a month." Chino said grabbing the sponge from my hand and proceeding to wash my chest.

"Damn near.... but who's keeping track? I like having you here, I enjoy your company, I love your conversation, you been feeding a nigga..... And don't get me started on this." I said smacking and grabbing a handful of ass. For the past month or so Chino has been coming up here every day after he got out of class, that's three hours there and back every day and in that time he was slowly becoming one of my best friends, on top of being my lover. "You don't have to leave Chino.... actually I would prefer if you were here when I got back... I wanna give you something." I said smiling.

"If it's what you gave me earlier, you can keep it.... I already feel like a damn feen the way you be having me in class." Chino said smiling and what can I say I got good dick and he should've known that he'd be hooked, I did try to warn him. "Seriously Luka what are we doing?" Chino asked looking into my eyes. "I mean we spend more time together than we do apart and when we're not together we're either talking on the phone, texting or sending each other snaps." Chino said.

"I thought it was pretty obvious..... what do you want me to officially ask you or do you want to continue doing what we've been doing without putting a label on it? We know what it is, or at least I do... I thought you felt the same way." I said running my finger down his face. "It's up to you.... but if I ask, I'm going to want to fuck you after you say yes, and let's be real.... you're going to say yes." I said confidently.

"You are so fuckin cocky?" Chino said rolling his eyes. "Fine.... we know what it is, just don't think that because I didn't ask that it was because I was afraid of this." He said grabbing my dick and smacking it against my stomach. "How long do you plan on being gone?" Chino asked looking down at my dick and I could hear his mouth starting to water.

"Not that long... well let me not say that, I'll probably be back around four in the morning. The drive out there is the worst part, you're more than welcome to come with me that way I'll at least have someone to talk to." I said wondering if I wanted to even go to this shyt.

"No... I'm fine, go handle your business, I'll be waiting for you when you get back." Chino said his eyes still focused on my dick, like laser focused..... something was telling me to stay my ass here like it was this nagging feeling in the back of my head telling me that this was the place I needed to be. "You aren't drinking are you?" He asked and I said 'no' though I was nodding 'yes'. "Come on Luka...." He said.

"One shot... that's it. Nothing too crazy, I know I gotta drive back and I'm not trying to get pulled over or worse." I said as my phone started ringing in the other room. "Let me go get that then I wanna give you something before I go....." I said stepping out of the shower and going to grab my phone. "Wassup Black?" I asked turning on the speaker.

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