Chapter Ten: Day One

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(A/N: I think this is the longest chapter so far. 1,157 words in total, not including this note. I would make all of the entries this long, but I tried to keep it semi-realistic, because I don't think most people write such long diary entries.  don't worry, though, there are more chapters on the longer side (and more on the shorter side, too) coming up soon. I'm going to try and finish the story before I go back to camp, but I don't know if I'll be able to publish all of it beforehand. Well, if you want to contact me, I'll most probably be writing like I'm running out of time. Or packing for camp. Or buying school supplies. Or reading, or sleeping. Or watching a Marvel movie or Harry Potter movie or something. Anyways, this note is getting far too long, so I'm going to stop it here.

Stay Proud,


Dear Diary,

It was a nine minute drive to school from the house. Mum said it would be ten. I counted. Thirty-four seconds off.

As planned, Steven met us at the main entrance, atop thirteen steps. Thirteen, however many people might think, is not a cursed or unlucky number. It simply just is.

He walked me to the office, where they gave me a folder which included my schedule and locker number, among other papers.

Steven immediately grabbed my schedule and scanned it. "We have the entire morning together every day, that's good, afternoons here and there, that's okay, and last periods every other day. That's better than what I was expecting, honestly." He looked up. "First period starts in about fifteen minutes, so we have time to find your locker and unload a bit. What's your locker number?"

I peered into the folder. "Four-three-seven-five."

"That's literally five lockers down from mine. Awesome. Let's start heading over, it's sorta close to homeroom, but it's on the other side of the high school."

I nodded. Steven grabbed one of my shopping bags of supplies.

"I believe my mother bought just a bit too much," I signed and wrinkled my nose at the bags.

Steven laughed, a small tinkle that tickled my ears. I grinned.

"Let's go." I hurried to catch up as he walked swiftly through halls full of people, dodging any encounters with any other bodies. He stayed close enough, though. Word had already spread that there was a new kid in school, so most people were pointing and whispering. When some intimidating dude walked up, Steven was already there, standing two inches above him and far more muscular. He backed down immediately.

And so more whispers began. Why was one of the most popular, most attractive boys hanging out with a loser nobody new kid? And of course, the 'Steven Rivers is gay, oh my god! He has a boyfriend!', which I secretly wanted to believe, but Steven was too popular to stoop so low as to date me.

"Ignore them," he whispered as he brushed past, taking my thoughtful face to mean I was thinking about the other kids in the hallways.

I nodded and continued following as we got to an area of lockers that weren't so crowded.

"This one's mine," he said as he deftly unlocked his. He slid his jacket in and grabbed a textbook and notebook. The doors were, for the most part, bare, save for a few minimalist pictures of his family. "And this one," he said, tapping a locker exactly five doors down, "is yours. Decorate it how you'd like. There's no rules explicitly about putting up inappropriate pictures, but honestly, who wants the principal to walk by and see pictures of Playboy bunnies? And they can make you take them down, by the way. I just don't expect you to have those kinds of pictures in your school locker."

I shook my head. I don't like girls. Not like I don't like them as friends, I've never really had many female friends. Or male friends, quite honestly. I've never really been in a proper relationship, but I don't think having a girlfriend is really something I'd like to have. And Playboy bunnies, ew. That's far too much visible skin. I find myself recoiling slightly at the thought. All they do is sit around sexily and wait for sex. I don't like sex. It's never been something I've ever been interested in, even with guys. I don't really care. I'm strange enough, as it is. If Steven wants something though, I'll manage. I always do.

He checked his watch. "We still have seven minutes. Let's go to the classroom, introduce you to the teacher. Then, I guess, we wait for class to start?" He looked at me, waiting for a response.

I shrugged. I didn't bother to correct him, there were seven minutes and twenty-three seconds until class started when he had spoken. Twenty-three seconds off is close enough for most people. Unfortunately or fortunately, I'm not entirely sure, I'm not most people. But if Steven didn't care, I'll pretend I don't, either.

"Okay..." He began walking down the hallway, and glanced back over his left shoulder to make sure I was following. I was. Five feet behind him. At least, I tried to be. Dr. Chesman recommended I leave at least four feet between myself and someone I'm with, and I usually leave six, but I didn't want to get lost in the sea of bodies. How did people already manage to get disgustingly sweaty before school even began?

Steven opened a door and waited for me to step inside before him.

It was boring. I'm not sure what I expected from an American public school. The country's flag on the wall? I mean, of course not, but for some reason it was there. Hanging on the back wall. Along with a map of the world and another of the United States. They always confused me. Why split a country into smaller pieces?

In addition, there were also copies of the Declaration of Independence and the Bill of Rights. And a poster of all of the presidents, past and present.

"Don't worry," Steven said as he lead us to seats on the side of the classroom. "This is one of the only classrooms decorated like this; it's an American History class. It's just our homeroom."

I nodded. That's a relief. Why would I want even more constant reminders that I'm no longer in England?

Eventually, everyone was present, and the teacher took attendance.

Well, most people.

The teacher called out a name, but no one answered. "Anthony Rayes?"

"He's not here, Mrs. Davids."

"Did I ask you, Mister Peters?"

He rolled his eyes as the door slammed open.

"Sorry I'm late," the boy I assumed was Anthony said as he sauntered in. "I got...held up." Great, I've been spotted. Whatever am I supposed to do now?

"Who's the new kid?" He asked, dropping into the seat in the exact center of the room.

"Well, Anthony, I suppose you would know if you had been here on time.

"Levi Reese?"

"Present." A tall, black haired boy sitting in the front left corner, one seat from the end.

"Theodore Reese?"

"Here." They were twins, but looked completely different. Steven had introduced me to them at the barbecue. Both had hair on the longer side, though Theo's was golden blond. Same height, but while Levi was on the thinner side, with quite attractive cheekbones, Theo was definitely more buff.

And apparently Levi was quite gay. And supposedly does an incredible job with drag. But I'm just taking Steven's word on that. Levi does seem quite feminine.

Mrs. Davids continued on with attendance. There were twenty-one names on the list. Eleven male, nine female, one nonbinary. They went by Alex.

Steven led me to first period. Chemistry. Not a subject I have much interest in, although I am very good at it.

After this is Literature. Steven said he'd take me on a slight tour during the short break after that class.

I can't say I'm not looking forward to it.


Charles David Barnes

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