Un Poco Loco

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You lived in a small Mexican village and you loved to sing. All your life you wanted to be a singer and your sister Imelda shared your dream.

"Someday (y/n)." She would say gently. "Someday we will sing for the world." You and your sister were spirited young girls and would often tell off certain men in your village if they tried to flirt with you.

It got to a point where Imelda quite frankly scared all the men in town. Though you were a bit more friendly you had your own moments. Your parents kept a close eye on the both of you and you often had to stay inside.

Usually your sister and you would sing together and dance inside your house when you got bored. One day though your parents told you both to go pick up some fruit fromThe market and you were very happy to do so.

You walked down the cobbled streets talking with Imelda about how life would be once you two got famous.

"And we'll have fiestas muy grandes and our shows will be spectacular-" you were cut off by Imelda lifting her hand. "¿Qué?" You asked quietly. You knew better than to ignore imelda's warnings.

"We have company." Imelda said annoyedly as a few marachi boys walked in your direction.

"Oh no." You groaned as the neared.

"¿Qué está mal senoras. You look muy triste." One boy said. He wore a fancy blue suit and a large sombrero that you felt was rather gaudy.

"We are just fine thank you." Imelda replied briskly walking past you tried to follow but another boy stepped on your way.

"¿A dónde vas? We still want to talk." This boy was wearing a matching outfit and you recognized him as Abel.

"Well I don't want to talk with you." You returned and pushed him out of your way gently. He grabbed your wrist with a smirk. To which Imelda slugged him with her boot.

Abel released you and staggered back while you and Imelda made a break for it. You laughed a long with your sister as you turned a street corner.

"Ugh men!" Imelda growled while putting on her shoe.

"That was spectacular imelda. Did you see his face?" You asked through your giggles.

Normally Imelda was stone faced but she smiled approvingly at you. She loved to see you smile and the two of you were very close

You two spoke here and there as you made it to the market and you were about to suggest an ugly man to Imelda as a joke when you heard a loud greto catching your attention.

You turned your head to the plaza and saw two men standing in the middle with guitars and fancy white suits.

You gasped and smiled at Imelda pleadingly. Imelda caught your look and shook her head with a sigh.

"No (y/n) you know mama is expecting us." She said sternly.

"Oh but it'll only be a few seconds longer ¡Por favor!" You begged hopefully.

Imelda folded her arms diapprovingly. And that's about when they began to play.

"Señoras y señores buenas tardes, buenas noches Buenas tardes, buenas noches."

You gasped at their voices and grew a smile. They sounded muy guapo and you desperately wanted to see them.

You could see the surprise reflect in imelda's eyes upon hearing them and hope sparked in your chest.

"Mamá puede esperar." You said with a small smile slowly growing. Imelda growled but gave a sigh.

"¡Multa! pero solo por un minuto." She warned pointing at you. Your smile grew huge as you pulled her along to the front of the crowd.

"Señoritas y señores to be here with you tonight brings me joy, que alegria! For this music is my language and the world es mi familia."

The boys sang in unison. They were very talented and you started to memorize their features.

They were both smiling brightly and their eyes seemed to sparkle with a passion for their music. If you didn't think better of it you would assume they were brothers.

The one on the right stood a good inch or two shorter and had much broader shoulders he had a small mustache and smoothed out hair.

The other didn't look quite so professional. His hair was more messy and he had a goatee. He stood a few inches taller and seemed to play the guitar a little less confidently. But one could easily tell he knew the song by heart.

"For this music is my language and the world es mi familia!"

They finished proudly and you couldn't help but stare happily as the crowd around the plaza burst into cheers and you clapped as well but then Imelda grabbed your shoulder.

"Mamá is waiting." She said gently. You sighed and went to follow her but paused, you pulled the flower from your hair and tossed it towards them.

You didn't expect them to notice through the crowd. But the taller of the two caught the flower. He turned and saw you smiling shyly. You waved goodbye and walked away with Imelda scolding you about how you shouldn't catch the attention of men you hardly knew.

But whilst you left you couldn't possibly have seen the taller grab his companion's shoulder and point at you. To which the companinion did a small double take and both boys stared after you and Imelda as you left.

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