Boys will be boys

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You walked around the town with Imelda. You had finished your chores early and your mother allowed you some time to walk because she knew all too well of your adventurous spirit.

Since it was broad daylight your mother figured the murderer wouldn't dare show his face and Imelda, begrudgingly mind you, agreed.

You walked towards marachi plaza and Imelda caught your wrist stopping you short.

"Must you see them everyday? They'll think you're clingy." She scolded.

"I'm not looking for Hector or Ernesto." You replied truthfully. "I want to hear the music." Imelda was shocked at first at your response but relinquished. She knew it had been the honest truth. You could rarely lie to your hermana successfully.

You both walked to the plaza and glanced around. No marachi bands were playing at the moment which was odd. As there was normally someone playing atleast.

Though suspicion told you the murderer had something to do with it. Word spread like wildfire here as it was indeed a small town.

You turned to Imelda with a small frown and shrugged. After all your papá played the guitar. Perhaps he could play a few tunes for you and Imelda to dance to. That being the reason you wanted to walk in the first place.

You two were about to leave when someone spoke up behind you.

"Leaving so soon señoritas?" You turned only to see Hector standing a small ways away.

"Hola Hector." You said with a smile and a slight wave. Imelda on the other hand was frowning and leaning on one hip giving Hector a small glare.

"Señor, you wouldn't be following my hermana and I would you?" She asked a small but of venom lacing her words. A memory seemed to past behind Hector's eyes and he leaned backward putting his hands up in a peaceful manner.

"No señorita. I was only coming to play I swear." You could see the honesty in his eyes and it made you feel something like a spark in your chest.

"Hector?" You asked gently. Instantly you had his full attention on you. This made you smile and you continued somewhat shyly. "Would you mind playing for Imelda and I? We dance sometimes and it helps mamá and papá with the bills." You explained quietly.

Hector seemed to brighten up at the request. And smirked at you.

"Your request intrigues me. Are you salsa dancers?"

"Are you going to play or not?!" You asked instead of answering. Whilst feeling your cheeks heat up.

Hector only chuckled at your response.

"Ok ok. What do you want me to play?" You blinked at him in shock.

"Uh." You frowned in thought. "I'm not sure. Do you have any songs?" You questioned looking at him in thought. Hectors smile only widened at your question.

He started to strum and you realized that you were going to dance in front of a man. You'd only ever danced with Imelda and your papá was the only man to ever see you.

You felt your cheeks flush at the thought but you brushed it off and grabbed Imelda by the wrists and pulled her into the center of the plaza and began to dance.

You just allowed the music to enter your mind and blur all your other thoughts. Music was truly the only thing that brought you peace of mind and the way Hector played his guitar spoke to you in a way no other music had.

"What color is the sky? Ay mi amor, ay mi Amor. You tell me that it's red! Ay mi amor, ay mi amor. Where should I put my shoes? Ay mi amor, ay mi amor."

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