Part 6: Clint

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"Its Clint." You say while reading the piece of paper.
He has on a sly smirk and so does Tony, you sigh and roll your eyes.
You get up and stroll to the closet reluctantly with Clint behind you.
"Have fun you two." Tony says before closing the door and locking it.
Turning around you bump into Clint's chest.
"Oh my gosh I'm sorry!" You say as he chuckles.
"No sweat Short-stuff." He says looking down at you.
"I'm not short, I'm fun-size." You say laughing too.
A silence falls between you two as you look deep into each other's eyes.
Suddenly his lips crash down onto yours and you're taken back by his actions.
But move in sync with his lips as the kiss escalates.
His hands wrap around you, engulfing you into his toned chest.
Your hands roam his muscles and hair enjoying every moment.
Small moans come from him as you notice him slightly grinding on you.
Whimpers leave your mouth when the bulge is rubbed against your heat. You swear you can hear Tony chuckling to himself, but at this point you don't care. All that matters is Clint and you, no one else.
His hands latch onto your waist massaging it. The heat in the room rises causing both of you to sweat a little. 
You palm Clint through his jeans and he lets out low grunts.
The door opens causing a blinding light to fill the room, and you two to stop in your actions.
Quite embarrassed, you walk out as red as a cherry and Clint trying to cover himself.
"Nice going birdman." Stark says to him as you and Clint sit down.
You notice Clint still struggling to sit down comfortably, and not soon afterwards leaves to "Use the restroom."

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