Part 10: Banner

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You look over to him and he fiddles with his hands to avoid your gaze.
There's always been tension between you two, whenever he's real concentrated on something you smile at him adorably.
On a couple of occasions he's caught you staring and vise versa.
Shyly, he gets up and follows you into the closet.
He lets out a shaky breath and leans against the wall, on the opposite side of you.
"Bruce are you okay?" You ask making sure he's not going to freak out.
"Y-yeah it's just..."
He stumbles over his words but stops when you give him a bear hug.
As you press your head against his chest, you hear his heart rate calm down.
His arms hug you tighter and a sigh relief leaves his lips.
"Thank you." He says grateful and loving.
For a while you two just stand there, listening to each other's steady breathing.
Finally he lifts your chin up and tenderly kisses you.
Naturally your hands go up to the collar and pull him closer.
You've dreamed of moments like this, to just love him with all your passion and to run your fingers through his hair.
The kiss get more heated and turns out into a full make out session.
Unable to get enough you jump on him and luckily he catches you.
The fabric of your jeans creates enough friction for you to feel his bulge growing.
Light moans from both of you fill the small closet and it feels just like you and him in the world.
But you stop in your tracks as you both hear the knob opening. That's when he puts you back on your feet with one swift movement.
As you both fix yourselves the door slowly opens to reveal Tony with a sly smile on his face obviously happy with the results.
"Looks like someone had fun." He says his face plastered with a devilish grin.
You roll your eyes in annoyance of him and Bruce grabs your hand so you can sit by him for the rest of the evening.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2018 ⏰

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