Part 8: Bucky

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"Bucky." The name alone makes you nervous.
Yes he's hella good looking, but you feel intimidated just being in the same room as him.
He sighs and walks over to the closet.
You cautiously walk into the closet, in order to not bump into him.
As soon as the door closes your face becomes flushed, but the darkness covers your face.
"(Y/N) are you...nervous?" His breath on you making you shiver.
"N-no why do y-you ask?" You try to sound confident but horribly failed.
He sighs, and you realize it's because he thinks you're scared of him.
"I'm not scared of you Bucky,..." you take a step closer reassuring him.
"It's just you can be intimidating, because you're like really hot and stuff." You mumble the last part so he couldn't hear.
Even though it's dark you can see a smug smile on his face. And starts walking towards you, making you hit the wall.
"What was that?" He asks just wanting to hear you say it again.
"You're um...ya" You make the last part quieter.
He grips one side of your waist and brings his lips down to you so that they're barely brushing up against yours.
"Thanks. You're pretty hot too." He whispers and kisses you.
You melt in his kiss and bring his other hand to your waist as you wrap your arms around his neck.
Both hands going down and gently gripping your butt and thighs.
He pats your thighs and you jump onto him. Pressing you against the wall his hands make their way under your shirt.
The only thing holding you up is his waist against yours.
His hands caress you breasts and you moan into his mouth.
"Damn Bucky." You both gasp at Stark since you didn't notice the door open.
Quickly you detach yourself from each and go sit down.
A red color now consuming your face as well as Bucky.

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