Find my Heart

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Feeling straight up sore from yesterday, (y/n) barely moved her arms when strolling through her house. Her bronze medal still swinging around her neck, she said, "I'm so tired, I don't want to do anything."

"We have to clean up the house, sweety. It's a total mess!" Her mom wiped the table which laid numerous dirty plates and a big, half-eaten pie. Having no other choice, the Hylian teen forcibly grabbed a broom and swept the terrible floor.

Moving on to another story, Revali and Chippy toured through Hyrule Castle Town, buying unnecessary souvenirs since they had 2 days of leisure before leaving. Residents offered multiple kinds of entertainment but the Rito friends already had tried them all. Either way, the brown avian enjoyed his little vacation although the blue one pondered.

"You already asked everybody here. In fact, they're looking at you as if you were a stalker," stated Chippy.

"I know, but I can't leave without visiting (y/n). There must be somebody here who knows her..." he pondered more until a bright bulb turned on, "That's right! How come I did not think of it? Shirley goes to choir classes. If she's there, I can ask her where (y/n) lives."

After asking a young Hylian where the choir school was located, they headed over there. Once arriving, the school held a bright baby-blue roof with lavender walls. Upon entering the place, it had various Hylians singing and practicing, one of them being the blonde friend. Their voices perfectly synchronized with one another, creating a divine sound. Shirley's soprano singing sent goosebumps to the Rito listeners as they waited throughout their gorgeous song. Shirley even noticed the blue friend which automatically made her wave, thus receiving back the action. 

"...and that's all for today's practice!" exclaimed the ivory-haired teacher. Shirley almost tripped down while walking down the risers but thankfully she landed on the floor. "That was a close one!"

Chippy held her arm thinking she would trip again, "Be careful!"

"It's okay! I'm fine. And excuse my manners, hello! How's it going Revali and..." she stared at the newcomer.

"My name's Chippy." he smiled who likewise received back the action.

"Hey, Shirley. I'm just hoping I could know (y/n)'s address. I want to visit her."

"Oh, sure! Actually, I was about to head there too. Mind if I joined?"

And so, the threesome took their time heading to the small residence. Vines invaded its tan walls and colorful flowers mostly tulips bloomed on the front yard. Two circular windows displayed purple curtains covering the inside.

Hearing sudden knocks on the door, (y/n) woke up from her lazy slumber intentionally avoiding her chores, and quickly stood up to pick up the trash that laid in front of her. Her mom walking towards the door, she noticed (y/n)'s idle behavior.

"(y/n)? You didn't clean the house like I told you too?"

"Yes I was cleaning, but then I fell asleep!"

"There are visitors knocking on the door and you expect the house to clean by itself!?"

"I'm ALMOST done!"

The whole foolish argument was heard from the other side of the door, allowing the 3 friends listen to every word.

"This is gonna take a while..." said Shirley. Subsequently, the door opened revealing a messy-looking teenage Hylian.

"Oh, it's you Shirley...a-and Revali!" she freaked, trying to comb her tangled hair. In the meantime, the visitors entered.

"(y/n), it's okay. I've seen worse from you." he teased.

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