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Hey, it's me. The author.

I just wanted to inform you that I'm suffering from a very big writer's block at the moment, as you might have noticed.

I'm very sorry that I didn't update for so long, but I want my stories to be perfect and I don't update, just for the sake of updating. I want the chapters to be good.

I actually do know, how the plot shall continue, but I just don't like the way I write the chapters. But I promise, as soon as my writer's block disappeares, I will write and update as much as possible.

I'm very sorry, believe me. Writer's blocks always frustrate me so much. I want to write for you guys, so you can have fun while reading my stories and I'm really sad that I just can't do that right now.

I hope you can understand and forgive me. I'll try my best to get rid of this block because I want to write for you again. Just wait a little longer.

Yeah, well... That's it. I hope to see you soon, guys.

Author-nim out~

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