Chapter 8

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"... You may call me mommy."

Her words echoed in Eloise's head. A mommy? She didn't have to think a second before running into her mommy's arms. She was so happy.

"Aww, baby, I love you too, no is baby hungry?"

"Wes Mommy!"

"Then let's get Baby some yummies for her tummy!"

She picked Eloise up and set her on her hip carrying her into the kitchen. To Eloise's surprise there was a large white high chair at the island in the kitchen.

Mommy strapped her in and went over to her pantry. Mommy rustled through the pantry for a while but when she was done turned around with a big smile on her face, " look what Mommy found for yummies baby! It is so good!" She held up a few small containers of green mush. She didn't really expect me to eat that. Eloise closed her eyes hoping this was all a dream. She heard her sit open, the pop of the lid and felt the spoon near her mouth.

The smell was horrid. One might be lead to believe it was yesterday's trash if they hadn't known better. She waited for me to open. Her face growing more annoyed by the second. She he'd Eloise's nose forcing her to breathe though her mouth leaving an opening for the mush.

I was tainted. My whole self wanted to throw it up, but Eloise was hungry and it didn't look like mommy would be giving her anything else. She would just have to suffer through the mush. At least she wasn't dying. Right?

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