Lando Norris

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 The rain was pouring down, getting heavier and heavier and still he wasn't home. You'd rang him several times and were starting to worry. It was 3 in the morning, the storm was worsening and your anxiety was taking control. You were deadly scared of storms because of a childhood incident and Lando knew this. Yet he was nowhere to be found. 

You sighed shakily and rang him again "You have reached voicemail. Please leave a message..." " Lando where are you? I'm really worried. Babe... I need you here you know about me and storms. Please. Please" You practically cried. You were desperate and just needed your boyfriend home. A knock on the door scared you out of your thoughts. Quickly you grabbed your keys and ran to the door praying that it was Lando. 

As you approached your hopes dropped. There were blue lights outside your door. As you opened it a police officer asked "Is this the home of Lando Norris?" "Yes" you replied "Why? Has something happened!? What's wrong!?" "Perhaps we should come in madam." You let the officers in dreading what was going to come out of her mouth (a/n changing gender stereotypes!) "I'm sorry to tell you that Mr Norris has been involved in a serious RTA (road traffic accident) and was taken to hospital in an air ambulance. Him and two passengers were involved in a car/ truck collision. Luckily the truck driver and the two passengers only suffered minor injuries. Mr Norris however, put himself in front of his two passengers. The passengers have been identified as George Russell and Sergio Sette Camara". You were in shock. All the thoughts that you could fathom were about the fact your boyfriend and two closest friends were in hospital. "Which hospital are they in?" You asked with tears streaming down your face. The officer replied " Leeds General Infirmary. We can take you if you'd like." You nodded silently.

¡Time skip!

You arrived at the hospital and the female officer escorted you to Lando's hospital room. Seeing the sight in front of you, you sobbed and the tears started again. Lando laid unconscious and pale on the bed. He was bruised and grazed with what seemed like a million wires and tubes coming out of him. The only comfort you had was the beeping of the heart monitor continually beeping reminding you that he was still alive. The creak of the door made you turn round, in the doorway were George and Sergio. Sergio in a wheelchair with casts on his legs and pushing him was George who had his arm in a sling and a bandage round his head. You smiled slightly at the sight of them, knowing that they were both okay and going to be fine gave you some hope that Lando would be as well.

¡6 Months Later! It had been a long 6 months of physio, counselling and motivation. But today was the day. The day that Lando would finally walk again. Sat in the car you both were bundles of nerves mostly Lando as he still got anxious when in a car and occasionally had flashbacks to the accident. He was on the verge if death and even went into cardiac arrest. Luckily he was in the best place and the nurses worked tirelessly to keep him alive and for that you were forever grateful. "You ready Lando?" Taking a deep breath he replied " To get out of this wheelchair? Hell yes!" You both laughed. Lando might have nearly died but he still kept up his charming and humorous personality. Partly for your benefit to stop you worrying and partly to remind him who he was before the accident. Arriving at the hospital, you did the usual business with the crutches and wheelchair and finally got to the physiotherapy room. The lady was already stood waiting. After an exhausting hour he was ready. You stood at one end of the bars, he stood at the other. "Whenever you feel ready and comfortable Mr Norris". After taking a few deep breaths, he set off. It was slow, but it was walking by himself. You felt the tears of joy running down your face. Once he finally reached you, he stood, wrapped one arm around your waist and kissed you. You could feel all his emotions just through that one kiss and you knew then how much you loved him.

Thoughts, reactions. Please comments and let me know xx

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