#2- Nyck De Vries

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For @daniricciardo3  Hope you enjoy

Warning- Emotional

You and Nyck had been together for nearly two years. You loved him more than anybody in the world. You couldn't survive without him- he was your oxygen. Everything you did was for him. He never meant to hurt him. But he did, he broke you and that broke him.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ FLASHBACK~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

It was Nyck's birthday and you were super excited, you had this big surprise planned. A huge cake- it was his F2 car with a picture of you two on the rear wing- all his family coming round and banners everywhere. You had even arranged for him to arrive in his dream car. Everything was going perfect. Your only concern was he had been quite distant lately, saying he was working extra hours on the sim to become better and make you proud. Of course you believed him, he loved you. Didn't he?

You were counting down the hours until the party started. You had driven to the venue straight after you'd finished getting ready. It hadn't taken long, you were quite low maintenance and Nyck said he preferred you looking natural. You were in a simple knee length lace white dress paired with your beloved white converse.  Walking into the venue, you gasped - it was stunning. The happy birthday banners were draped from wall to wall and connected with stunning fairy lights. The cake was sat on the centre table, next to a huge pile of presents including the personalised, silver, enscripted bangle you had got Nyck.

I love you Nyck - you are my oxygen - my one and only

You smiled imagining his reaction when he read it. You were hoping it would cheer him up and show him how much you loved and supported him. You turned at the sound of the door to the fancy restaurant opening and wee greeted with the sight of the De Vries family entering the building. You ran and gave Nyck's mother and father and hug them tightly.

"Where's Seychelle? She is still coming isn't she???" You ask starting to panic. 

They chuckle and nod, explaining that she is arriving with George later. You sigh in relief and the three of you get to work in putting the final touches to the room. When you've finished, the tables look stunning, each one has a different colour theme, the head table where Nyck will sit is themed like the Dutch flag and it looks incredible. You squeal super buzzed to see his reaction.

Its about forty minutes until Nyck is due to arrive with Lando with the car on lease from Mclaren, and the room is starting to fill up. Old team mates, school friends, family, the majority of the current F2 grid and some of the F1 grid are all dotted among the room. You are starting to get nervous and George notices this.

"It will be fine, he will love it!"


I honk the horn outside Nyck and Y/N's apartment. 

"Oi loser! Get in!"

When I get no response, I sigh. I get out the car and hope to god that nothing happens to it. That car is worth more than my entire career's worth of wages. I knock on the door.

"OI. NYCK. OI IDIOT!!!!" Still getting no response, I try the door and to my surprise find that it was open. I walk into the apartment and hear giggling. 'That was a woman' I think to myself hoping for y/n's sake that its not. I push open the door praying to god I find him just watching a video or something. Walking into the bedroom, my worst fears come true.


I am furious. All I'm seeing is red, H e once accused y/n of cheating on him with me because he knew that I was close to her and then he goes and does this.

"Get your cheating arse dressed and get into the car that your GIRLFRIEND! Leased for you as a birthday surprise!"

YOUR POV~~~~~~~~

Nyck and Lando eventually arrive but something is not quite right. Everyone shouts surprise as custom but then Lando angrily cuts them off.

"Y/N, your so called 'boyfriend' has something to say to you."

Confused you look to Nyck and see him crying almost "Babe, what is he talking about?"

Nyck doesn't respond so Lando does it for him, by now George has come to stand beside you seeing how anxious you were getting.

"Well, I went to go get him, he didn't come outside when I shouted or when I knocked so I let myself in and found him IN BED WITH ANOTHER GIRL! And by the looks of it it wasn't the FIRST TIME!"

You collapsed to your knees, sobbing. "What. Please... NO!" George sits next to you as you cry into his shoulder. Giving your head a shake you stand and walk to the pile of presents. Your heart breaking more and more with each step. How? You loved him and you thought he loved you. You picked up the box which held than bangle and looked to Nyck.

"You lied to me. You said you loved me. You said I was your one and only.!" You gasped in realisation. "You haven't been working late at all have you? You've been with her." The truth brought on a fresh onslaught of tears. You gripped onto the box and threw it with all your might at his head.

"I HATE YOU! I OPENED UP TO YOU. I GAVE YOU MY EVERYTHING. MY FIRST KISS, MY FIRST TIME! my first time! HOW COULD YOU! DON'T STAND THERE AND CRY! YOU HAVE NO FUCKING RIGHT TO CRY. YOU FUCKED SOME OTHER WHORE! YOU ruined this YOU! You have no one to blame but yourself AND YET YOU ACCUSE ME of CHEATING!!" You scream at him, your voice breaking with the fresh tears running down your face.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~PRESENT DAY~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

You sat clutching your pillow. You were broken. George and Lando had to come around everyday to make sure you had something to eat and drink and that you got dressed. You never spoke more than two or three words. You hadn't seen Nyck again. You got your stuff whilst he was out.

Was life even worth living! He was your oxygen and you can't live without oxygen. You pushed your suicidal thoughts to the back of your brain. You would do this, become better, smarter, prettier and show him what he was missing out on.

Not gonna lie- I cried when writing this

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 21, 2018 ⏰

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