Lando Norris

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This is quite short but is very emotional!

Before I start, this contains bad language and scenes/comments that may be triggering!

You scrolled through your social media (a/n- just choose your personal favourite) reading all the comments about yours and Lando's recently announced relationship. Around 60% were good, positive comments,

"I'm happy for you!" 

"You both deserve to be happy."

"Aww so cute!"

These comments were all well and good, but the other 40% sent you back to a bad time in your life,

"Kill yourself slut"

"You're a f*ck*ng gold digger!"

"No one likes you! F*CK OFF AND KILL YOURSELF! Stupid c*nt"

These were the comments that really got to you. They took you back to when you were bullied. They made you remember how good the razor felt when taking the pain away. The tearing of your skin, the satisfaction of the blood leaving your body. Taking you one step closer to where you wanted to be. Dead. 

Without realising what you were doing, you stood up. The tears rolling from your eyes and streaming down your face a reminder of what you would be taking away. Like a robot you walked towards the bathroom and picked up the razor off the side of the bath. Sitting down you rolled up your sleeves becoming an artist. But the paintbrush was your razor. And the canvas was your arm.

All the previous thoughts, comments and worries slipped from your mind and all you heard was silence. The pain ebbing away and your life slowly going with it.

Because you cut too deep,

too many times,

and no number of banadages could save you now.

Just a little too late,

he walked in the room,

met with a stone cold face,

and the corpse of his love.

Lando sat on the floor and sobbed much like you had done before, picked up your phone and saw the comments that you had seen before. Logging into his account he saw he had them too. But he stayed holding you and yelled


Lando Norris ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now