6. Things can change.

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Clarke gripped onto Aurora's shoulders. The six year old girl stood in front of her mother, her hand held securely in her father's larger one. All eyes were fixed on the podium in front of them. Or more specifically, Marcus Kane and Thelonius Jaha. Kane held a piece of folded paper in his hand. Clarke was anxious as her eyes drifted to the paper and back up to Kane. She caught her mothers gaze from across the crowd and smiled a small smile. Beside her was Harper, holding tightly onto Auroras other hand.

Aurora felt comfort from the touch of her loved ones. She was scared for her parents. She didn't understand exactly what was going on, but she knew that if things didn't play out the way her parents wanted them to, they could be in trouble. That's what scared the young girl.

The crowd eagerly awaited for Kane to make the announcement. As Kane stepped up to the front of the podium, Clarke tightened her grip slightly without hurting Aurora.

"Thank you all, for taking the time to vote and for waiting patiently." Kane spoke with authority and boldness. "We've counted the results, and I can now tell you..."

Clarke closed her eyes. Aurora lent back into her mother and Clarke placed a kiss on the top of her head. Her heart was racing as Kane paused. She glanced over to Bellamy who was already looking down at her. They both shared the same nervous expression. If this didn't work, they'd failed.

"A new election will take place." Kane said. There was a brief moment of silence as the crowd took in what Kane had said, and then nothing but deafening cheers.

Clarke released a breath she hadn't even realised she was holding as Bellamy engulfed her in a crushing hug. He pressed his lips to her temple and Clarke couldn't contain her smile. Aurora jumped up and down excitedly. Bellamy pulled away from Clarke and lifted Aurora into his arms. The three of them joined together again, holding onto each other as though their life depended on it.

"We did it." Clarke beamed as she pulled back slightly.

"You did it Clarke. You got these people to change their opinion of Jaha." Bellamy smiled at her. He couldn't even begin to explain how proud he was of his wife. She had saved their family.

Clarke smiled up at him gratefully. He pushed his lips to hers, pulling her closer with one hand on her waist.

"Daddy?" Aurora said, tugging on Bellamy's shirt.

Bellamy pulled away from Clarke and turned his attention to his daughter. "What's up princess?"

"Does this mean Jaha isn't in charge anymore?" Aurora asked innocently.

"He is, but only until a new Chancellor is selected. We have to vote for a new one now." Bellamy explained.

"When do we do that?" Aurora asked.

"You don't, only grown ups can vote baby." Clarke said with a smile.

"Oh." Aurora looked downhearted.

"Who would you vote for?" Bellamy asked. "Who do you want to be the new Chancellor?"

"You and Momma." Aurora smiled. "Uncle Murphy told me how you both used to be leaders when you first came to Earth."

Bellamy and Clarke looked at each other. They were passionate about keeping their people safe, but could they really fill the role of Chancellor? Kane had said himself, it was a tough role to fill and it was a hard and demanding job.

"I don't think we would win that vote." Bellamy chuckled. "Besides, it's for one person not two."

"Or maybe Grandpa Marcus?" Aurora said with a grin.

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