25. And they call me a cockroach.

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"Remember, take these three times a day. And take one of these before you go to sleep." Abby waved two pots of pills in Clarke's face.

"Yes, Mom, I know." Clarke sighed. She was so eager to get out of this medical bay. For three weeks, she'd been stuck in bed. Bellamy had hardly left her side unless he had to take Aurora to school or pick her up.

Clarke had sobbed for two hours straight when her son was handed to her, and Aurora perched on her bed. She'd clung onto her children for dear life. Aurora had been hesitant to leave her mothers side every night her father took her home. Finally, Clarke was going home. The news of her return had spread like wildfire thanks to Aurora. They'd all been eager to see her, but Bellamy had refused to let anyone in until Clarke was fully healed and ready for visitors. Even Octavia was kept away. Clarke was excited but incredibly nervous to see all her friends again.

"Clarke, just because I'm discharging you doesn't mean you don't need to take it easy. Plenty of bed rest and no strenuous activities." Abby ordered.

"Got it." Clarke nodded.

"You ready to see your friends again?" Bellamy asked as he slipped an arm around her waist.

Clarke nodded her head, but Bellamy could see the worry behind her eyes. She didn't seem as eager as she had that morning.

"Everything's going to be fine. As soon as you've had enough, we'll leave." Bellamy promised.

"Thanks." Clarke nodded. "I'm ready."

Bellamy guided her out of  the medical bay and through the corridors. Clarke let her eyes wonder around the familiar metal walls. Nothing had changed , but everything felt so different. Bellamy stopped outside the cafeteria doors.

"You sure you're ready for this?" Bellamy asked again.

"Yes. I just want to get it over with." Clarke nodded her head. Her body language told Bellamy she was ready and determined. But the shake in her voice told him otherwise.

Bellamy pushed open the door, and the hall fell silent. All eyes were on Clarke, wide and shocked. Clarke looked around and tried to smile softly. She began shaking slightly, and Bellamy tightened his grip.

She was almost ready to tell Bellamy she wanted to leave until a pair of arms wrapped around her neck and she stumbled back slightly.

"I can't believe you're here!" Octavia said quietly into her ear. Clarke could already tell Octavia was crying.

"Me neither." Clarke whispered as she wrapped her arms around her best friend. She hadn't even realised how much she'd missed Octavia until now.

"I missed you so much." Octavia mumbled.

"I missed you too." Clarke replied.

The two girls hugged tightly for a few more minutes until a voice behind Octavia pulled them apart.

"Alright, my turn!" Raven announced.

As soon as Octavia's arms were removed from Clarke's neck, Ravens had replaced them. Raven held onto Clarke as equally tight as Octavia had. Clarke held onto Raven just as tight. Her tears were getting harder to hold back.

Raven let go and took a step back, looking at Clarke.

"How are you feeling? We all wanted to come and see you, but Bellamy wouldn't let us." Raven smirked.

"I'm okay. As much as I love you guys, he was right, I needed the rest." Clarke nodded.

Bellamy, who remained by her side the whole time, placed a comforting hand on her back.

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