7. For better or worse.

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The sun was high in the sky, a clear blue sky hovered over the city of Azgeda. Quiet chatter from the streets below pulled Clarke from her slumber. Her eyes fluttered open and she took a minute to look around the room. Their bed was qplaced in the centre of the wall, a window above them. To her left was a grey stone wall, with a chest of drawers sat in front of her. Upon the drawers was the tray containing the medicine for Aurora. To her right was another window. Underneath the window was a couch, draped with fabric. A small table sat in front of the couch, two armchairs beside it. It was a simple room, but at the same time it was grand. It certainly beat the metallic shine that her own apartment held. It reminded her of Lexa's quarters. Thinking of Lexa still brought a rage to Clarke's chest. Clarke had trusted her, and she'd betrayed Clarke's trust, choosing to put her own people first.

In some ways Clarke could understand why. If she had to make the choice between her family or a truce with another clan, her family would always come first. But that didn't make it any easier. Clarke had lost so much for Lexa. She jeopardised her relationship with Bellamy for Lexa. Clarke had expected Bellamy to leave her and never forgive her for what she'd done. But he was waiting, ready for her to come home. He'd called her an idiot for trusting Lexa over him, and then he forgave her. Clarke swore from that day on that she'd never trust anyone over Bellamy. Bellamy was the only one who didn't give up on her, even when she'd given up on herself. He thought she was worth fighting for.

Clarke's thoughts were interrupted by movement beside her. She rolled her head to the side and her heart melted. Bellamy laid on his side, facing her. His arms tucked protectively around Aurora who buried herself in the safety of his body. Clarke knew she should wake them, she had to check on Aurora, but she couldn't bring herself to ruin the moment. They both looked so peaceful and content. Clarke hadn't seen Bellamy look so relaxed in months. She reached across Aurora and pushed his curls from his forehead. Bellamy jumped slightly at the action, his eyes shooting open. Clarke saw his body visibly relax when he realised it was just her.

"Morning." Clarke smiled softly at him.

"Morning princess." Bellamy's voice was deep and tired.

Bellamy glanced down at the sleeping girl in his arms and placed a kiss on her forehead. Aurora stirred slightly, nuzzling herself into Bellamy's chest. Clarke put her hand to Aurora's forehead.

"Her fever's gone." Clarke smiled.

"Good. The tea must be helping." Bellamy said.

Aurora looked well rested and the colour had returned to her cheeks. Her physical appearance looked better all round, but they wouldn't know if she felt better until she woke up. Bellamy slowly pulled himself from Aurora's grip and rolled off the bed. Clarke followed his actions. She grabbed a clean shirt out of her bag and tied her hair in a messy bun on the top of her head using a black band she kept on her wrist.

"Did you get much sleep?" Clarke asked, slipping her shirt over her head.

Bellamy, who had his back to her, pulled his own shirt off and turned to face her. His eyes automatically scanned her body when he realised she had no shirt on.

"Enough." Was all he managed to say.

"You should have woken me." Clarke said.

"Figured you needed the beauty sleep more than me." Bellamy teased. Of course he knew this wasn't true. Clarke was the most beautiful woman he'd set eyes on. Even when they hated each other, he'd thought she was beautiful in her own way.

"Ass." Clarke muttered as she threw her old shirt at him. He caught it easily and moved towards her.

"I'm fine, I got enough sleep." Bellamy chuckled as he placed his hands on her waist, pulling her closer.

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