An average day (Almost)

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Yuuri Katsuki... There are many words that can be used to describe him (shy, dorky, likes to avoid confrontation, very stubborn when necessary, etc.) but there was nothing he loved more than skating. Ever since he was young Yuuri wanted nothing more than to be like those skaters he watched on the television. He wanted to be able to perform those elegant, sharp, flowing movements just like the skaters.

He had begged his parents when he was eight to let him join an ice-skating class until they finally broke. Yuuri had practices ceaselessly since then and even found himself idolizing one certain person and couldn't seem to tear his eyes away. That man's name was Viktor Nikiforov. Viktor never ceased to surprise Yuuri. Even though he was just a few years older than Yuuri, young Viktor had much more success in his life which made Yuuri want to work even harder to keep up with him (Little did Yuuri know that he had also started to develop a crush on Viktor in a way he didn't quite understand yet). Now as Yuuri was just turning 23 (Viktor being 28) he had finally had his big break.


Yuri's Pov

Yuuri sat in his room flipping through his computer nonchalantly as he watched a few videos here and there but was mainly looking at ways to improve his skating. He went to his email expecting to find the usual items but was surprised to find some something new sitting there waiting for him.
"This is new, he thought, I wonder what it's supposed to be. It looks way too important to have been sent to me on purpose."
To his surprise though when Yuuri opened the email he was surprised to be met with a "CONGRATULATIONS YUURI KATSUKI" page that made him hesitate before he continued reading. Shockingly, the page was telling Yuuri that he had qualified to skate in the Grand Prix against 30 other people to see who's the best skater at the Grand Prix final. At the end of the message there was a note yet again congratulating him and wishing him good luck.

Yuuri stared at the computer in disbelief as his mind tried to process what he had just read. He felt like he had been staring at the long letter mouth agape for a good ten minutes before his mind registered the words on the page.
He felt his face carve into a very large grin that felt like he was splitting his face in half before he yelled at a very loud and long "YYYYYYYYYYEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
catching the attention of everyone that was currently in the house (and possibly people two neighborhoods down) but he didn't care. He quickly pulls on a pair of shorts over his boxers (cause who wears pants when they're using their computer right (- _ -)) and runs down the flight of stairs. He tripped on one step, went stumbling down the rest and faceplanted painfully at the bottom of the staircase but he was so excited and ignored the pain as he scrambled to his feet and gathered his family and friends to tell them the news. When they were all there, he inhaled sharply and started to spill all about the email and how he would have a chance to compete at the Grand Prix and if he won possibly advance to the Grand Prix final.
"F*cking impossible, Yuuri thought, but if a man should dream, he should dream big right?"

His mom was the first one to speak up after Yuuri was done, simply asking "And when is this competition going to start?"
"Three months from now, He stated smiling widely, meaning I'll have plenty of time to practice."
His mother's face broke out with a smile of her own and she broke put with motherly tears as she spoke.
"I'm so proud of you Yuuri, she said, you just graduated college and you're already going down such an important road."

Yuuri was happy to be freed from the crushing pressure of having to study for tests until it felt like his brain didn't have any capacity for more. Instead, he'd be able to focus on doing what he actually loved. They do say a degree has nothing on experience.

All of friends and family gradually broke out into happy smiles as his mother continued lightly crying. They all hugged him one by one congratulating him for earning such a good opportunity.

Yuuri honestly didn't know why or how he was accepted for the Grand Prix, but he was too excited to think about it now and he couldn't wait until he could get a chance to show what he's got to the judges and everyone else who was watching.
Maybe even Viktor would watch him perform too. Little did he know how much drama was laying ahead of him. He sure as hell wasn't prepared either.


*Wooohooohooo* not bad for the first chapter that I've ever written in my life.
I know it was pretty boring but that's why I titled it "An average day."

I swear that it will get more interesting. Here's a list of what's gonna be in the story

*Drama (Lots)
*Smut (This'll be my first time. writing instead of reading)
*Skating (Well obviously)
*Yaoi Relationships (Duhhh)
* Etc (I don't know)
Let's just hope you don't kill me if it doesn't get interesting fast


(P.S I'll give you a heads up and a choice on when you want the smut after certain chapters)
(PP.S I'll tell you the super short reason on how Yuri got into the Grand Prix in the next chapter)

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