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Yuuri's Pov

And that's how I ended up riding in a jet with none other than my idol Viktor Nikiforov himself.

There was some hustle and bustle because me going on his jet wasn't as easy as Viktor made it sound like, but I made it so at least there's that.

Now I'm sitting across from the most gorgeous man in the world who's face I can't even look at because I'm so nervous.

"Are you alright Yuuri?" He asked. "You look like you're quite red in the face, do you have a fever?"

I look at him in a state of shock. It's like God himself just spoke to me.

"I - I - no."I  stutter out quietly.

"What was that? Speak up a little Yuuri, I can't hear you." Viktor says with that charming smile on his face.

"NO SIR." I exclaimed, blush immediately rising to my face after realizing how loud I was.

Viktor chuckled, before throwing his head back and laughing out loud.

"Why are you so nervous little Yuuri, I won't hurt you. There's nothing to worry about." He says between his laughter.

I put my head down in embarrassment. Of course I had to make a fool of himself in front of the one and only Viktor Nikiforov. What else is new?

Still laughing, Viktor reaches over and puts his hand on my head, stroking it, making me jump a little in shock.

He continues this for a few minutes, circling my head in a relaxing manner and I feel myself start to doze off.

Viktor's POV

I watched as Yuuri dozed off, his head was leaning a little too far to the side so I got up to lean him back against the chair, being extremely careful not to wake him up.

Thankfully it doesn't seem like he's a light sleeper or else he probably would've had a heart attack since it doesn't seem like he likes being near me.

Am I scary or something? I hope I'm not; I try to be nice to everyone, even those rude reporters (Well except for in the morning but that doesn't count).

But even so, I don't want Yuuri to be scared of me, after all we're supposed to be partners. He can't be skating with me if he's too busy not looking at me, that would cost us points.

But is that really the only reason?

What am I saying, of course it is. Just because he looks absolutely gorgeous and peaceful sleeping right now and I think the blush on his slightly chubby cheeks is adorable doesn't mean anything. Men can be cute too.

With that thought in mind I lean back to look out of the window at the view and let myself fall asleep as well.

*After the plane landed*

"Mr. Nikiforov? Mr. Nikiforov!" I jolt awake to the sound of someone's voice calling to me.

Groggily, I look over at to where I heard it from and saw Yuuri staring at me 2 ft away from my face.

I watch his face turn bright red when he saw me staring back at him before he quickly looked away.

"Uhm, we l-landed a-already so I just wanted to wake you u-up." He stuttered and then walked back to his seat to grab his stuff.

"Oh, thank you Yuuri." I said flashing him a smile.

Yuuri looked at me and nodded his head but didn't look me in the eyes.

Smirking a little I said "You know Yuuri, you don't have to call me Mr. Nikiforov. It makes me sound so old. Do you really think I'm that old?"

His eyes widened a little before he exclaimed a "No! I don't think you're old. I just didn't want to be rude since you're so popular and stuff."

I chuckled. "Well Yuuri, we are going to be working together for quite a while after all this. I think we should just drop the formalities a bit. It's better if we're more comfortable around each other anyway so don't worry about a thing."

He nodded as he went back to staring at the ground.

"Now Yuuri, what do you call me?" I asked.

His face turned red again and he whispered out "V-Viktor."

I walked towards him, grabbed his chin and tilted it upwards.

"What was that?"

"V-Viktor." He squeaked.

I leaned in a little closer to him.

"Speak up a little."

"Viktor!" He finally said. His face as read as a fire hydrant.

"There's a good boy. Now let's go win this competition yeah?"

I let go of his face, gathered my things and walked away.

I heard his small steps behind me as we got off the jet.

This is going to be fun.


Hey guysssss😶

So I finally decided to update this story and write a cute little chapter.

It's been forever since I updated I know but typing up ideas into words is harder than it sounds😔

I don't know if I ever mentioned update plans but whatever I said, please don't believe me😃

But anyways, I hope this was a little help to soothe y'all's curiosity.

I'll try my best not to let this story just sit here.

Thanks to the readers who waited and a warm welcome to the future readers.💜💛❤️

(P.S THANK YOU FOR 1k READSSSSSSSSSS. It means so much that so many people actually put their time into read this story and I hope you can put up with my wack schedule.)

Much love to you guys and peace out ✌🏽

Too much love [Victurri Story]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें