Getting Ready

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I DO NOT OWN ANY OF THE PICTURES L, VIDEOS, OR GIFS IN THIS STORY!!! (And I don't know how to copyright)
Respects to the talented people who make these.

Yuri's Pov

*tImE-sKiPs BrOuGhT tO yOu By My LaZiNeSs*

3 months later

"OHMYGODOHMYGODOHMYGOD, Screams Yuuri, I can't believe the Grand Prix is in 2 days!!!"

"Yuuri could you please call down, says his mother, you've been training non-stop for the past few months, you can do this."

"Yeah, but that also means I'm gonna see Viktor Nikiforrov within that two and a half day span, Yuuri said."

"Okay and? Said his mother"

"and?, Yuuri deadpanned, AND!? What do you mean and?!" "I've been wishing to be like him for since I don't even know how long, but it's not like he's my most favorite skater in the world right hahahha... and it's not like this only ONE of the times I'm going to be close to him before our duo skating... ashdhjjhddhshdhwmshshdhheueei!!"

"yuuri," his mother said quietly as she listened.

Still Yuuri panicked.

"Yuuri, "she said louder.

Yuuri had started pacing now, mumbling words that even an alien couldn't have understood.

"YUURI KATSUKI, she yelled."

At this Yuuri froze, stopping his pacing and his delirious sentences.

"Stop panicking right now young man. I know you've looked up to this man for more than half your life, I've been there through all of it. I know you like him a lot, but you shouldn't let that distract you from doing your best at the Grand Prix. After all you're my son, and you know you can do this so don't let us down you hear me. Don't give any less than one-hundred twenty percent."

Yuuri who had been staring it his mom in a daze finally snapped out of it and said "Sure Mom. Thanks for the advice and for always being there for me, I love you."

"I love you too son," she answers. "Now get back to packing so you aren't scrambling around the day before you leave."

"Yes Maam!" Shouts Yuuri, turning around to leave.

"Oh before I forget I have one more question for you Yuuri, she says."

"What is it mom?" Yuuri asks.

"Well because you were and still are really interested in Viktor, more than a man who has had an interest in him since when he was young should be, she says, I was wondering.... Are you interested in men?"

Yuuri (who now had the weirdest face on the due to his mother's question) simply stared at his mother."

After a while he asks "Why do you ask mother." With a blank face, pretending not to understand the question.

"Well, I told you one reason already, but there was also the fact that you liked more girlish stuff when you were younger. And the fact that liked hanger out more with your sisters than any other boy usually would." She says. "Not that it matters, but this investment in Viktor is kind of a dead giveaway."

Yuuri continues to stare at her while trying to figure out a way to answer the question.

He hasn't really thought about the reason he liked Viktor so much.

Viktor just gave him so much inspiration that he couldn't help but still like him, even after all these years.

Yuuri had noticed though that his feelings for Viktor had grown into something more, but he just couldn't put his finger on it.

At the same time though, Yuuri thought that his mother's question didn't make any sense. When he was in school he didn't feel any physical or mental attraction to any of the boys there.

Perhaps he'd feel a ping in his heart here and there, but his mother had been right. He hasn't had that many guys he would call friends, and most of the time he had preferred to hang out with his sisters or, on occasion, some of the girls in his class.

While he was thinking about this, Yuuri realized he was taking too long to answer and said "Honestly Mom, I don't even know. You're right I definitely did all those things as a child and I have been interested in Viktor for a really long time, but I don't know if I'm into guys in that way."

"Well son, even if you are I'll still support you. It may be sad that I won't have any grandbabies, but I'll still love you no matter what." She says (These are also my personal feelings if I have a son in the far future because adoption!!).

"Thanks mom, I'll remember that." A smiling Yuuri says.

"No problem honey. Now you can go pack."


With that Yuuri headed upstairs, his mind still wondering back to the conversation.

Was he really gay? If so, would he even have a chance with a guy like Viktor?

These were questions best answered later. Right now he still had a lot of stuff to do and barely enough time to do it.

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