Chapter 4

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(Sophie's POV)

Well, today's just another day at Foxfire. I'm on my way to telepathy with Fitz. "So, Fitz..." (ha, see what I did there? No? Okay...) "Well, um... Biana's throwing a party... for us... do you think you can talk her... out of it?"

"Sorry, Soph. Many have tried. All who try, end up failing and are killed."

"Wow, Fitz. Wow. Haha."

"I'm joking. But there is no way out of this." Great. Just great. Ugh. Whyyy!? On notes it's going to say, Sophie Foster, the freak elf, and Fotzroy Vacker are dating.

"Hey, Foster. Watcha doing?" Said the blondie who can feel Sophie's emotions with out contact.

"Hey, Keefe. We are on our way to telepathy, and-- wait, aren't you supposed to be in detention for something?" Fitz said.

"Ha, Fitz, if you must know, I don't have detention until tomorrow. So take that. Anyway, I'm skipping class, so if you don't mind, I'll be tagging along."

"Um, no you won't, Mr. Sencen." A voice rang from behind them. Sophie turned around.

"Sir Tiergan!" Sophie said.

"Mr. Sencen, you can either skip class in detention tomorrow, or you can go to class." He chuckled.

"How about neither?" He gasped. "Oh, and how about I leap to Havenfield! And maybe I can pull a prank. Heheheee..."

"Oh, dear... Keefe, are you okay?" Said the voice from earlier.

"There it is! The voice from earlier!" Said Keefe.

"Hmmm... I could do something about this... Aha!" Said the voice. "And, there."

"Hey, g- guys, I... feel a b- bit dizzy. The voice is in my head-- aaahhh..." Suddenly he fell to the ground passed out.

"What voice are you talking about?"

(Voices POV)

"Oh, thats the thing, Tiergan... I can make my self be heard by who I want." I said.

"Okay, I think I consumed too much rock powder." (Ugh, what was the rock stuff again? I forgot.)

(Tiergan POV)

"OH my gosh. I'm hearing voices." No, I know I wasn't going crazy, but this is hilarious.

"Sir Tiergan, Don't freak out. I'm not going to hurt you." The voice said.

"Please go away, random voice." I said.

"Please, call me satellite. And, Au Revoir." (Good bye in French). The voice said and then was gone.

   "Well... Bye..."

Hey guys!! Sorry for the wait! I had writers block!😭 but please enjoy!

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