Not a so normal day

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(I'm a change some parts of the story but it's all pretty much the same)

Me and izu-kun arrived and walked into class only for it to be filled with half of the class and Katsuki isn't even here yet. And as usual before my brother even came I was surrounded with boys and izu-kun ignored like usual 'what a fucking pain, can't they all leave me alone' and the worst part of the morning are the glare and whispers of the girls. Unfortunately jealousy had to exists. And it's not like I wanted to be surrounded by these ugly ass boys I just want to live a normal life. UHHHHHHH

"Ne ne Bakugou-San I was wondering if you wanted to get some ice cream after school you know and maybe go to study" random boy said, I knew what he meant I'm one of the few people with body's that are too big for a normal middle school girl. That's the only reason he's talking to be right now they think I'm pretty with a nice body. It makes my blood boil just thinking about it. "Um no thanks you I don't have time" I tell random boy with my glare of death (or how izu-kun says it). But he didn't give up. I had to deal with his shit until my brother came. (Which scares everyone off)


(3rd P.O.V)

"Alright everyone your all going to high school next year so you all need to start thinking about your future" the teacher says as he's holding some papers "but I know that all if you WILL GO INTO THE HERO COURSE" the class then cheers except y/n and midoriya, then bakugou got up and put his feet on a desk and said "HA don't even compare me to these losers they all would be lucky if they were to become sidekick but I am going to become number #1 I'll beat all might himself and I'll be rich and famous and that'll all start in U.A HIGH ahahahahahahhah!" Some students quiet down and Someothers complained. Until they heard the teacher scold them a little "oh don't midoryia and bakugou-san also want to go to Yuuei high" the teacher said as izuku trembled in fear and y/n Heart skipped a beat knowing what his brother would do to her bestfriend, "huh? What did he said do you really think you could become a hero useless deku who would want a quirkless fucker over someone like me." He got up and grabbed midoriya from the coler of his uniform "your not even allowed in U.A your quirk less" Izuki smiles telling him that the rule has been changed only to make it worse. In the end y/n couldn't stand there and watch not only her brother using his quirk in class in a threatening way but the teacher is just standing buy. "THATS ENOUGH KATSUKI WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU ARE TO TALK TO HIM THAT WAY, WHO CARES IF HES QUIRKLESS LET HIM BE AND SENSEI IT'S AGINST THE RULES FOR STUDENT TO USE THERE QUIRKS IN SCHOOL GROUND SO WHY IS HE USING HIS QUIRK WITHOUT YOU SAYING ANYTHING!!!" At that point y/n didn't realize she let her self loose and that her quirk was starting to make explosions on her hands and steam was coming out of her ears from how angry she was.

The teacher apologize and told them to settle down. No one relized that bakugou had gotten hurt due to his sisters words, and it raised some tension (since things between them were still healing little by little).

-time skip-

(Y/n P.O.V)

*sign* I decided to leave class but I did stay in school ground, waiting for izu-kun to get his things so that we can walk together. Deciding to go to the kitchen pound in our school to relax and play with the fishes. It had been a long day I sometimes feel like I'm going away little by little, and I don't want to be like my brother I want to be Recognize and want to be seen for who I am I want them all too know that I am here. Buttttt that will never happen 'what's taking izu-kun so damn long I want to go home and eat meee foood and watch anime DAMN THAT STUPID DEK- holy shit I just sounded like my brother need to control my anger issu-' I see familiar notebook fall down the pound where the fish's are it took me some time to realize who's it is. ITS IZU-KUNS but what's and how did it get here? I go and grab it only to panting coming from someone. "Izuku who did this?" I glared at him trying to hard to control my quirk I see him jump a little since I rarely call him but his full name not just his nick name I gave him. "Y-y-y/n I-I-it was kacchan." 'You've got to be kidding me'  "WHAT DID YOU SAY THE HELL DID MY BROTHER DO HE'LL SEE THAT SON OF A BITCH"  I was filled with rage but some how izu-kun calmed me down.

-timeskip (to where all might comes and saves the day hehehe)

"Ne ne Izu-Kun I'm sorry for what my brother did/said I know it must have been tuff on you but have no fear you'll be a hero someday" I say with a grinning face and a fist up. *BOOM* in a flash i was going up high only too see izuku in the bottom sitting down tears in the corner of his eyes 'the hell..oh it's a villain but why didn't I Realize earlier SHIT YOU GOT TO BE KIDDING ME WHAT DO I DO IZUKU GET OUT OF HERE, IM SCARED I CANT JUST USE MY QUIRK ILL PROBABLY HURT  IZUKU WHAT IF I JUST USE MY HANDS LIKE MY BROTHER YES ILL USE MY HANDS yea like my brother m-m-my l-l-little b-brother Katsuki I-I-I'm sorry I might die today.'

(Izuku p.o.v)

I walking with y/n, mans she's the best my bestfriend I don't know what I would do if I didn't have her in my life, I should tell her how I feel shouldn't I. He! *BOOM* what was THAT. Y/N 'OH NO Y/N-CHAN W-W-WHAT DO I DO' she was suddenly attacked by some green slime Villan. she's already losing consciousness, I feel myself fall down the floor 'damn if only I have a quirk I would be able to help her but my legs won't even move dammit I'm useless just like kacchan said' I was so scared I wanted to help her so bad but I couldn't move all I say were tears running thur her face but she never called for help. Then the unthinkable happened "Have no fear for I am here". ITS ALL MIGHT. He came and did his Texas smash and blew the villain away.  And I then fainted.

(3rd P.O.V)

Midoriya was on the ground as all might defeated the villain. Y/n was clueless and stared to catch her breath thinking she was going to die. "Thank you All might...oh could you sign my friends notebook he's a big fan of yours" she hands him his notebook and he signs it. They both look at midoriya only to have y/n sweat drop. "Hey kid kid wake up" slapping midoriya until he woke up having seeing his shocked face bakugou stared to laugh her ass off. "Bfff you look like an idiot Hahahaha dek- ghmm sorry didn't mean that" midoriya saw his notebook and started bowing saying it'll be a family treasure of the midoriya family. "Alright kids I'll take my leave here bye bye" and with one super jump he went off"

(Y/n P.O. V sorry about the p.o.v changes)

All might did a SUPER SUPER JUMP 'super cool...WHAT THE HELL DEKU Shit I called him that again dammit I should stop' I grab on izu-kun to make sure he doesn't die or something. All might tried to get us off but we told him that we would die if he did. He continued to jump which was leading to the top of a building. I noticed that he stared to cough 'is he sick, I hope not and if he is I hope he feels better'

"Knock on the door someone will open the door sometime, well I'm off see you guys in the flip side" All might says. I notice izu-kun taking to step towards him "um ALL MIGHT WAIT i have a question, IS IT POSSIBLE FOR ME TO BECOME A HERO EVEN IF I DONT HAVE A QUIRK" 'oh izuku why do you ask him' i look at him with sympathy in my eyes knowing that in reality he could never be a hero without a quirk and if all might tells his favorite hero the number 1 hero tells him the truth he'll just think of himself as useless deku. "It's just that you always smile when your facing danger you never show fear so I-,I want to be like you" izuku says with a smile his adorable smile. But then that smile disappears only to see All might grunting.

*POFF* the hell was THAT

What's wrong with today, couldn't I have a normal day.


HAHAHAHAHHAHAH lololol sorry I hope you enjoy this chapter. I really do enjoy writing for you guys. That's all for now



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