A Permanent Change!? part:two

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Previously on last chapters events

I look down not wanting to let me see me like this "sis can you explain what happened please" I look at him shocked because I saw a new emotion in his eyes I had never seen before desperation.


At that moment I didn't know what to do or say should I hug him and tell him its fine that I'm fine? or do I tell him the truth I just don't want him to hate me I don't think I would live with my self if he hated me for lying all this time. I'm his big sister by like one minute and yet I act like a damn baby but I should face this before it happens again...I'm just so damn tired of faking it. "um katsuki I'm sorry for acting like a baby and this had happened before only once and it was when you weren't there for a week some kids picked on me and lost control and hurt then bad, and well this is who I am or at least I think this who I am when I'm angry but I should accept this anger is a part of me, little brother you are me and I am you yet we are so different I don't know you and you don't know me but we are one in the same and I know you have as much anger as I do, I know you bully izuku because he's different and weak yet he still had hope to be a hero and that pisses you off, and to me you bulling him is half of my anger but the rest is from this world this society your the hero with and amazing quirk and I'm the damn villain I-I have a dangers quirk that I can"t control, and that scares me so damn much I-I-I-I don't know what to do I cant tell izuku because I'm scared hell hate me and why wouldn't he I've lied to him the y/n he knows isn't who I truly am and I don't want to lose my best friend someone I lov- I mean someone I care about hehe" I say nervously not knowing how he'll react and holy crap! I almost said the L word with out knowing I mean he's my bestfriend and that should be all right?

"y/n why WHY HAVE YOU BEEN FUCKING KEEPING THIS FROM ME IM YOUR DAMN BROTHER YOU HAVE TO TELL ME THESE THINGS FROM NOW ON YOU'LL TALK TO ME AND NOT LIE OK! and why would I hate you I'm surprised that you don't hate me for the way I act I love you no matter what and if that stupid deku doesn't understand then fuck him" and like that I start crying not knowing or caring how long we've been here up in the roof to me time had stopped and I'm letting my feelings out for the first time in forever everything in my chest is out "come on don't be a baby and lets go the bell rang like 5 minutes ago. "EHHHHHHHH F-F-FIVE MINUETS WHAT THE HELL KATSUKI WHY DIDNT YOU TELL ME" "cuz you were having a moment" he says with that smirk that I'm about to take off. I start to chase after him smiling like there's no tomorrow

(time skip thx to a beautiful blacked haired hero)

"y/n ready to w-walk to All Might" midorya says nerves. I feel bad for what I'm about to say but here's goes nothing. "sorry izu-kun I won't be waking with you for today or tomorrow i'll be walking with my brother, tell all might I said hi and also tell him I won't be training today or tomorrow ok. love ya bye midorya." I say running out the door fast not wanting to see his sad face or wanting to explain why I was late and had red eyes, forgetting the fact I said "love ya".

(Midorya P.O.V)

d-d-d-d-d-did she just say l-l-l-l-l-l-love y-y-y-y-y-y-you o-or was it ya I don't know what if she feels the same way. Theres no way someone as nice and pretty like y/n would like someone like me, i'm sure she meant as a friend t-that has to be it. I was deep into thought that I didn't realized I arrived at the place All Might wanted to meet until I bump into something "hey kid you ok?" says all might... OH right All Might "sorry All might I didn't notice you at all um why is there a bunch of trash." I ask confused "oh this is your training now in days most people think that hero work is saving people from villains which is great but a hero's work is serving the community which also means cleaning our lovely city as well, now this use to be a beautiful beach but now its where people dump there trash and we are going to cleans this beach until there's no more trash and also I noticed that lady y/n isn't with you is she ill?" all might asks I tell him that she won't be here for today or tomorrow but should come with me the day after tomorrow. "All right then lets get into the training these will be long painful days kids so be ready."


And that's a rap hey guys thanks for reading. sorry its a lil short but that's all I really planed for this chapter I didn't expect it to be 900 words again that's for reading. I also have stared a new fanfiction and no I'm not going to stop writing this "book" I'm trying to come up with a schedule anyway my fanfiction is going to be about the avengers I wrote one chapter but I wont publish it until I come up with a schedule. again thanks for reading have a nice day.

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