O N E ; The Church Picnic

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O N E ;

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O N E ;

The Church Picnic

A loud knocking from the other side of my wooden door wakes me from my slumber. My eyes flicker trying to adjust to the golden light that shines through my open window. I hear my door open quickly followed by the footsteps of my little brother Avellino.

"Sœur! Sœur!" (Sister! Sister!) Avellino says shaking me by the arm. "Vous devez vous lever! Vous avez dormi trop longtemps!" (You must get up! You have slept too long.) He continues as I sit up from my bed. "What time is it?" I say with a yawn getting up from under my covers, instantly regretting my decision.

"Neuf heures et demi." (Nine Thirty) He says looking up at me. My eyebrows twist together in confusion. "And what time are we meant to be there?" I say looking down at him. "Neuf Trente-cinq." (Nine Thirty-Five) He says sheepishly looking down at his dress shoes. I let out a sigh running a hand through my hair before bending down to his height. "Well at least one of us are ready." I say with a smile fixing up his small bow tie before standing back up.

I walk to my closet to look for a dress to wear. Avellino pulls the sheets up on my bed before sitting on top of them. "Mère got me ready this morning before she left." (Mother) He says watching me as I sort through my closet for something to wear. "Where's she going now?" I say pulling out two of my favourite dresses. "Charlotte town, she says she has a meeting there and won't be back till mid day on Monday." Avellino says watching me look back and forth between the two dresses.

I turn to him the two dresses in each hand. One a bright periwinkle and the other a soft pastel yellow. "Which one do you think Aven?" I say laying them on the bed next to him. Aven looks at the two before pointing to the pastel yellow dress closet to him. "The yellow one." He says with a smile. "Most of the girls will be wearing yellow today and Gilbert says yellow looks good on you." He finishes passing the dress to me.

"Oh really?" I say with a smile picking up the other dress and putting it away. "Oh oui, I can't wait till Gilbert gets back. Only deux more days." (Oh yes, two) He says laying back onto my bed in excitement. I smile at the small boy and walk over to him.

"It's very exciting, but you have to leave so I can get dressed. That way we can arrive to the church picnic somewhat on time... j'espère.." (hopefully) He nods before running out of my room.

"Une souris verte, Qui courait dans l'herbe, Je l'attrape par la queue, Je la montre à ces messieurs..." Aven sings the French children's rhyme Une souris verte (The Green Mouse) as he runs down the stairs.

I close my bedroom door with a smile before getting changed into the yellow dress. I sit at my vanity and brush the knots out of my hair. I quickly French braid my hair into two before putting on my signature black beret.

Mother had brought it back here with her after one of her trip to Paris. You see my mother works as a dressmaker for a clothing company in Paris. We used to live there before we moved out to Avonlea to supply the companies dresses to more rural places and shops. But I'm not complaining, Avonlea is my home now as we have been living here for the last two years. Although there will always be a special place in my heart for Paris and I will never forget our roots.

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