E I G H T ; Fire!

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It's been a few days since Gilbert and Anne's incident. Mother got quite annoyed when she heard about my little situation at school but finally forgave me when I explained what actually happened. Apparently whilst I was at Anne's Mr Phillips came over to our house personally to apologise. I eventually told Gilbert about what happened between Billy and I. Let's just say that he wasn't to happy about that and you can tell from all the tension at school.

Mother has left again for Charlotte Town leaving me and Avellino alone for another three days. Speaking of Aven he's still not well but is slowly getting better. Anne hasn't came back to school since she left and if I'm going to be completely honest I miss her. School just isn't the same anymore without her. It's quite amazing how much of an impact a person can have on you in such a short amount of time.

Luckily for me school just ended for the day. I stack my things together on my desk and stand to go put them away. As I'm packing my things into my basket I see Billy glancing at me from the corner of me eye. After a minute the glancing doesn't stop so I let out a sigh and turn to the boy. "Can I help you?" I say closing the top of my basket.

A smirk rises on to his face from the satisfaction of getting to me. "No no I'm good." Billy says with a light chuckle. My arms cross over my chest in annoyance. "Well you obviously need to tell me something with that look on your face." I scoff turning back to the wall grabbing my coat off the hanger. I hear him chuckle from behind me as I slip on my coat. I turn and give him a glare seeing him quickly return it to me.

"It's just.." He pauses taking a step towards me. "I don't get what you see in that red headed orphan freak." Billy finishes coping my annoyed stance. I roll my eyes at him before turning back to grab my beret. "I don't know what I saw in you either." I mutter whilst putting my beret on my head. Billy grabs one of my braids and pulls me back. "What did you say Bellerose?" He grumbles under his breath from behind me.

Suddenly he lets go and tumbles backwards behind me. I turn around quickly to see Gilbert was the one to shove him back. "Back off Billy." Gilbert says sternly standing in front of me. "Gilbert stop it." I say quietly to him grabbing his arm carefully. "Got a problem Blythe?" Billy asks recovering from his tumble beforehand. "Billy stop." I say pleading as he takes another step forward. "As a matter a fact I do." Gilbert replies to Billy the both of them ignoring my requests.

I take a swift step forward to stand in between the two boys. "Stop it the both of you!" I say raising my voice slightly looking between the two boys. Although they continue to glare at each other I know I now have both their attentions. Many heads from inside the classroom and out turn towards the sound of my voice. My eyes flicker to the floor before I look back at Billy. "This is childish behaviour." I state slowly before taking a small step back.

Opportunity - G.B (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now