F I V E ; Cute Girls

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F I V E ;

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F I V E ;

Cute Girls

"Au revoir!" I call out to my mother and Avellino as I leave the house. Unfortunately last night Aven caught the flu, the poor thing had to spend his whole night sleeping on the bathroom floor because he felt as thought he would throw up. Luckily for mother and I he didn't but he looks absolutely horrible. Also due to this whole situation I barely got any sleep at all.

I make it to the end of our house's dirt pathway to have Gilbert already waiting there for me. He gives me a smile before looking around me. "No Aven today?" He asks as we start to walk. "Not today, he's caught a serve case of the flu and barely got a blink of sleep. Not saying that I had anymore." I grumble pushing my hair out of my face.

Gilbert chuckles at my moaning taking in the surroundings around us. "I can't believe how much a place can change when you haven't been there for a week." He says brushing his fingers against the leaves of a nearby tree. "That's what winter does." I tell him sarcastically with a laugh. He rolls he's eye giving a playful shove to my shoulder.

"Not what I meant." He says shaking his head with a smile. There's a few seconds pause before I catch Gilbert looking at books in my basket. "How much did I miss?" He says looking back up at me. I think for a few seconds before answering. "Well for Math we just revised and practised what we did the week before, for English we studied into more difficult words, nothing you couldn't pick up though, and for Geography and History we looked into the district of Saskatchewan." I say summing up basically everything we did the week he was gone.

"That's not... that bad." He replies hesitantly trying to be positive. "Trust me you'll be fine." I say linking my arm with his. "It's nothing you can't handle." I finish squeezing his arm encouragingly. There's a few seconds pause before Gilbert continues. "How was Billy?" He asks with a smirk. I give him a stern look shaking my head in the process.

"What? It's not my fault I don't like the guy?" He defends innocently. "Billy was..." I pause thinking about my answer. "Billy." I say smiling back at him innocently. I suddenly stop in my tracks hearing a sound coming from behind us. Gilbert takes a few more steps before getting pulled back by my arm that's connected with his. He looks at my puzzled expression with slight worry.

"What's wrong?" He ask concerned. I wait a few seconds before I hear the voices again. "Do you hear that?" I ask turning to the direction the sounds were coming from. "Don't tell me your hearing things now." Gilbert's says jokingly with a smirk. I roll my eyes before looking more intently at the direction in which the sounds are coming from.

"Is that why she was crying all night? My parents say that's slander, do you want to get slandered?" A voice says from a far that we instantly recognise. Billy. Gilbert starts to walk toward Billy's voice understanding that we should probably see what's the matter. I follow after him and we see Billy and Anne standing in the middle of two rows of trees. Speak of the devil and he shall appear.

Opportunity - G.B (DISCONTINUED)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu