T H R E E ; Back To School

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T H R E E ;

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T H R E E ;

Back To School

I wake early in the morning to make sure I fulfil all of my mothers chores whilst she's away. After around an hour of being up and getting ready for the day I hear footstep walk down the stairs. I turn around to see Avellino at the bottom of the stair rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. I smile seeing as he's already dressed and motion him to sit down at the table.

As he sits down and I place a plate of buttered toast in front of him ruffling his hair with my hand. "How was your sleep Aven?" I say placing a kiss on his cheek. "Good." He says with his mouth stuffed with the toast I made him. I laugh before going back over to the kitchen sink to wash up.

I look out the window and my spirits lift seeming as it is a nice day today. Once I finish washing up the dishes I pack them back away into their correct cupboards. I place the dish cloth on the bench and turn to see Avellino still munching away on his toast. He looks up when he feels my gaze fall upon him.

"I'm going to go get dressed. Once you've finished wash up your plate and put it away." I say, he nods and gives me a thumbs as I walk out of the room and upstairs. I enter my room going straight to my closet to pick out a dress for the day. A few minutes later I decide to go with my lavender dress with a white apron.

I sit down at my vanity and brush out the knots that are tangled in my aubrey hair. When I finish I split my hair into two and tie it half up half down. I flatten my hair once I'm finish pushing some of the small escaping hairs out of my face. Looking to the end of my bed I see my black boots and beret where I placed them yesterday. I stand up and move over to the bed picking up the boots and beret putting the on.

I take one more look in my mirror before continuing to walk back down the stairs. As I enter the dining room again Aven is sitting at the dining room table putting on his shoes. "Are you ready to go?" I ask him grabbing both of out lunch baskets from the kitchen counter. "Oui!" He says grabbing his things and walking to the front door.

"Do you have your books, lunch, coat and hat?" I say grabbing my things then meeting him at the door. "Oui!" He says grabbing my coat and giving it to me. I give him a smile before we both exist closing the door behind us. We make our way down the dirty path in silence taking in the warm morning rays.

After around ten minutes later we reach the small school buildings and I can hear the chattering of many school students. As Aven and I round the corner he gives me a quick hug before running off to to the younger kids school building. I let out a sigh before continuing up the steps of my classroom.

I open the door to see many people already sitting and standing inside. Our classroom is in utter chaos seeing as our teacher Mr Phillips hasn't arrived. Walking up to a hook on the back wall I hang up my coat and beret, putting my lunch basket on the bench provided underneath. I pull out my books and slate that I need for the day and continue to make my way into the main room.

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