Chapter 2

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"Yeah, sure" Tori said momentarily after Jade had asked her question.

"I'll pick you up at 8:30" Jade told Tori before placing a kiss on Tori's lips then left.

Once Jade left Tori gentle closed her door and leaned against it with a goofy smile on her face.

On Jade's car ride home Jade kept a smirk on her face. Tori Vega was her girlfriend. Jade thought smirking as she realized that she couldn't be any more happier to have Tori as her girlfriend.

At 8:30 Jade picked Tori up. Jade wore a black dress that revealed a little bit of cleavage while Tori wore a red dress that went up to her knees with a black sweater.

"You clean up well" Jade told Tori as she handed Tori a red rose. "Your pretty too" Tori told Jade before sweatily grabbing Jade's hands and intertwining it with her own.

At the restaurant Chad and Tanner walked up to Jade and Tori. Jade rolled her eyes annoyed before glaring at the pair as Tori looked at them annoyed.

"We really want to be alone right now" Tori tried to tell the annoying pair as nicely as she could.

"We are alone. Just the four of us." Tanner informed them as he and Chad got closer to the couple clearly not getting the hint that Tori tried to convey.

"If you don't get away from us in the next five seconds then I would grab a pair of scissors and cut you with them" Jade told Chad and Tanner threateningly. Still the point still didn't seem to convey to the two friends.

"Alright, alright alright give it up for Cat Valentine with her rendition of problem by Ariana Grande" The DJ said out loud.

"Sing us a song" Tanner told the girls.

"Oh, Tori this 2 lovely boys here want us to sing them a songy song. What so ever should we do" Jade said in her Tori like voice.

"We should sing them a song" Tori said with a wicked smirk hinting to Jade what her plan was.

"Oh, Tori darling. I think that's a wonderful idea" Jade said still talking in her Tori like voice.

"I don't talk like that"

Jade responded by giving Tori a kiss on the check which caused Tori to smirk.

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