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Trying to keep my inner fangirl locked up, I took a deep breath.

"So what happened to your ship?" Astrid asked Donoma.

"Oh, our ship!" said Donoma. "Well, um, I don't remember..."

"Nothing at all?" questioned Astrid, looking slighlty doubtful.

"Um, no. Do you remember anything, Iona?" Donoma asked me.

I thought for a second. Nothing really seemed clear... but I could remember talking to someone. I think it might have been Donoma, though. And I remembered a ship. "Well, all I remember is being on a ship and talking to Donoma," I said slowly, "but by the look of the wood I think there might have been a shipwreck." I decided. I looked over my shoulder at the horizon. "And those look like some crazy stormclouds over there," I said pointing out towards the edge of the horizon.

"That makes sense." shrugs Astrid.

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