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Shuddering happily at Hiccup's hand on mine, I tried to focus on the task at hand. Donoma seemed to be getting on fine with Stormfly so I gently stretched my hand out to Toothless' head. After a moment of hesitation, he moved his head to touch my hand.

As our skin made contact, I breathed out softly. I felt as if everything I had ever wanted, all my life's goals, wants, everything! Had been fulfilled. It was a life changing experience, and one I knew I would never forget.

Toothless' skin was scaly and slightly more moist than I had expected. I smiled and walked slowly around to his side as Hiccup climbed on his back. Hiccup held out his hand and I grabbed it and hopped on.

"Everyone ready?" asked Astrid.

"Yes!" me and Donoma chimed happily, at the same time. Hiccup laughed, and then we took off.

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