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While I was admiring the scenery of the island, Le wild thought appeared.

'I wonder how jealous Mark would be.'

This, however, was unwarranted, as I was too caught up in the excitement of being shipwrecked to notice that I really didn't remember anything, like, at all.

Thinking on where I knew the name Mark from, I started to remember my life, my real life, in America, and Mark was my brother, and it was just around Christmas, and my parents had taken us to my grandmother's old house to celebrate, and I was fighting with Mark, and...

I put a hand to my head as my headache sprang up again. Astrid didn't seem to notice.

Taking my hand off my head, I looked forward and saw some sort of village in the distance, and recognized it as Berk. I was near sighted, so I couldn't make out the individual details, but I did see the dragons. They were everywhere!

'Maybe I could learn to ride one.' I thought.

Still thinking some more, I remembered that Mark and I were about the same age at 14, twins, actually. My headache was getting worse, so I decided to relax there.

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