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"Okay Adi! Smile for the camera!" said Roxanne.
"I bet I will become a rockstar," said Adi, "everyone will love me!"

Roxanne took a few photos of Adi.

"Oh dear. The battery is going to die. We should tell Mom to charge it for us," said Roxanne.

The kids went to their mother, who was lying in her bed.

"Mommy, can you please charge the camera for us?" asked Roxanne in an innocent voice.

"Mom, wake up! We're gonna have a photo shoot, and I'll be a rockstar! And guess what? Everyone will love me. Even Roxanne will paint a picture of me," said Adi.

"Mommy... wake up, please," begged Roxanne.

"Her sleeping pills are probably still working in her body, we'll come back another time," said Adi and took his sister to the backyard.

That One TeenTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang