Chapter 1

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I'm not stupid to know that my mom died 11 years ago.
It was partly my fault.
I remember being really loud and annoying.
Obviously, it's impossible for someone to sleep in that kind of environment.
So my mom decided to take sleeping pills.
Unfortunately, I think she took too much and somehow... died.

The past is in the past. I can't do anything about it.

"Hey Roxanne. How are you," said Nat, my best friend. My only friend to be exact.

She's really nice and understanding.

And I like that about her. The only problem about her is that she acts before thinking and I don't think she'll be able to get over that.

"I'm good. Thanks for asking," I replied in a weird way.

"Alexa and I are going to the movies tonight. Wanna come?" she said.

I can't come but I don't want to turn her down.

"Sure, I'll come," I said.

"Great! See you there at 7," Nat said with a goofy smile on her face and walked away.

Well shoot.
Alexa, to start, is my nemesis. I don't know why Nat is friends with her. I don't want to end their friendship though, that would just end my friendship with Nat.

Anyway, I rushed back home and threw my stuff on my desk.

"Welcome home Roxy. Can I talk to you and Adi after lunch?" said Dad.

"Uhh... sure!" I agreed.

"Welcome home..." said Adi in a disgusted way.

I hope he didn't notice that Mom's death was partly my fault.

Dad served us the food, sushi, and after we ate, Dad had this look on his face.

"So," he began, "how would you all feel if I get a new wife."

Dad is planning to get married? The second time?

"Dad no. It's best if we stay like this. The three of us." said Adi.

I honestly really want a mom.
I'm not used to having one parent.

"I think it's a great idea. After all, a complete family needs two parents and a child or more, am I right?" I said in a goofy tone.

This was supposed to be a serious conversation.

"Seriously? Why do you always have to go opposite of what I say and Dad agrees with you. I wish you weren't alive," growled Adi, and ran to his room.

I'm scared.

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