Chapter 2

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It honestly sucks being the oldest sibling.

The younger one always takes advantage of you.
They do something, blame you, and you get into trouble.

Why not just end it here?
I'll just end my life.

"It's fine, Dad. I like the idea of getting a new wife," I said, trying to sound upbeat.

"Can you go check on Adi?" Dad requested.

I agreed and went upstairs, knocked on the door and waited for a response.

"Adi? I'm sorry..."

No response.

I opened the door.
I wish I hadn't



He committed suicide!

The window was open and he was nowhere to be found.

I quickly ran downstairs and shrieked, "DAD! ADICOMMITTEDSUICIDE!"

"Slow down! What?"



Dad was heartbroken.
The look on his face said it all.
I decided to tell Nat.

I went upstairs to my room and called her.

"Hey wassuuuuuup. Where you at?" Nat said.

"Nat. I'm so sorry. I'm afraid I can't come," I said.

"Why? What happened? You sound upset," said Nat in a concerned voice, "is everything okay?"

"MY BROTHER COMMITTED SUICIDE!" I screamed and bursted into tears.

"WHAT?! I'm coming over! STAY PUT!" Nat said and hung up.

I kept crying since there was nothing to do to bring him back.

"Alexa, we have to go," I commanded.

"Why? The movie hasn't started yet!" said Alexa.

"Roxanne needs us! Let's go," I ordered.

"I'm not going. I'm not going to leave this good movie for a peasant like Roxanne," said Alexa,"even her name disgusts me."

I quickly ran to her house and banged the door.

There was a banging on the front door.
I went downstairs to open it.
It hurt me to see Dad at the table with his hands on his head.

"Are you okay? Did Adi really commit suicide?!" Nat said.

I looked at Adi's bedroom door and back at Nat.
"Yes. Yes he did."

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