Chapter 6

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After school, Nat and I came home and found Dad with another woman.
"Hello. You must be Roxanne. I'm Lexi," she said and stood up and shook my hand, "your father told me a lot about you and I was sure I'd love to meet you."

She turned to Nat, "You must be her friend. I'm Lexi." She shook her hand.

That's a weird way to great someone.
"Are you okay with me as a mother?"

I thought she was just one of Dad's friends!
Adi was right.

It would've been better if it was just the 3 of us.
"Totally," I said and plastered a smile on my face.

I grabbed Nat and went to my room.
"That lady is weird. In a good way," she said.
"I know she's weird, but if she keeps this up, she might be an embarrassment to the family," I said.

"You don't even know where she's from, her full name, her backstory, so don't judge too easily," she said.

"You're right. Maybe I should wait," I said and took a deep breath.

"Can't wait to attend the wedding," she teased.

"It's way too early, don't you think?"

"Nah. But we should get stuff done because I gotta head home."

We did our homework and before she left, I asked, "Remember what Alexa said about that art competition?"

"Yeah. It's at the end of this month. You didn't hear about it?"

"Nope. It's not like I'll be eavesdropping all the trash that the school says. Thanks anyway. Oh and, here are your clothes back."

"Thanks. See ya."

End of this month, huh?
Better get to work.

Maybe I should tell Nat to help me with this art competition.
Although she sucks at art, she's still amazing when it comes to group work.
And if she helps Roxanne, my chances of winning will drop to 3%.

So, I need to come up with a plan.
I'll tell her that Roxanne is already great at art and that she won't need any help, and she should help me.

And if it doesn't work?
I'll just force her to do it.

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