Chapter 7

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I whipped out a canvas and painted some designs with a girl in the middle.
It looked great.

I made myself a coffee and sat down and watched some T.V.

Lexi came and sat next to me.
She was smiling at the T.V like some kind of psycho.

"How are you?" she asked.

"Um... I'm great," I said.

She continued to smile like a psycho.

I tried my best to ignore her but her smile...
It's creepy...

Where the heck is Nat when I need her?

I got up and sat at my desk.

I stretched and stared at the wall.
Nothing else to do but drown in darkness.
I miss Adi.

I feel really bad for Roxy.
But then again, Alexa is not very fond of her.
I don't know why.
I have this feeling, though.
My gut is telling me that Alexa is plotting something.
The problem is, I'm not sure.
I'll keep an eye out.
For me, Roxanne and the school.

I can't live with this pain.
Adi, my wife...
What else does life have in store for me?
"Michael, dear!" Lexi called, "have you seen Roxanne?"

"She's probably in her room," I said.

"Okay, thanks!" she said and went upstairs.
Don't tell me she committed suicide, too...
I should've listened to Adi.
He already had a lot of pressure and I just gave him more pressure.
And so...
He died.
I should stop thinking about him but at the same time I don't want to forget him...

Does Roxanne really think I'm creepy?
She hides in her room a lot.
Well, my job now is to get rid of her.
Either kill her, or let her live.
Her father is in bad condition, so he'll listen to me easily.

I just need to be quick.


Before he gets over the pain.

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