Chapter 4

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The painting came out pretty good.
"To be honest, that painting doesn't look that bad," said Nat.

I honestly don't see why people think art is a hard thing.

"It looks pretty good," I said, "your skills are on point."

"Nah. They go further down than my grades in middle school... yeah that's pretty far down..." said Nat.

I don't know why I started giggling like a chipmunk.
The way she said that was funny.
"If you want, I could stay at your place for a day or two," said Nat, "you know, to help you get over what happened."

I do not deserve a friend like her.

"Actually, that would be a big help," I said.
"Awesome! And don't worry, I'll behave." She gave me a teasing wink.

That's a hint that she won't behave.
What did I do to deserve a great person like her?

My dad walked in.

"Sweet pea, I'll go do something. I'll be right back," said Dad.

"Okay," I said.
He left.

Nat just looked at me.
I looked back at her.
Result: awkward stare.

"Sooo," said Nat, trying to break the awkward silence, "what do you like to do?"

"Eh. I usually just draw," I said.

"Anything else?" she asked.

"Now I realize how boring my life is."
Nat started laughing.

I wasn't trying to be funny.
Why was she laughing like that?

"What's so funny?" I asked.

"Oh nothing. Heheh.." she giggled a bit more, "how about we go back to your room and finish those assignments. We don't wanna get in trouble, do we?" She rubbed the back of her head.

"Yeah sure," I said.
We went to my room and did our assignments.
We chatted for a bit and dozed off.

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