III. Together

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I woke up to Hazel shaking me. She stood over me, a small smile on her face.

"Good morning, Sunshine," Hazel greeted in a low voice. "It's about breakfast time. I wanted you to surprise the others. They don't know you're back."

I hummed, sitting up. "I'll come out soon. I just need to get dressed."

Hazel sat next to me and placed a hand on my shoulder. "Are you okay? Do you need someone to talk to?"

I shook my head and scratched my face. "I'm fine for now. Don't worry about me for now."

Hazel nodded, looking unsure. "I'll be out in the mess hall. Frank might get excited and hug you, so you'll be warned."

I smiled. "Thanks."

Hazel nodded and got up. "I'll see you in the mess hall."

Hazel left. I got up and opened my closet. I looked around in it and chose an outfit. I slipped on a grey tank top and a skirt with a plaid shirt wrapped around my waist. I slipped on a pair of white shoes and I left my room.

 I slipped on a pair of white shoes and I left my room

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I went downstairs. I was nervous, but I swallowed my fear. I went through hell - literally - and I was scared of overseeing my friends?

I entered the mess hall. The conversation died down and the people who didn't know I was back stared at me. Leo had a large grin plastered on his face.

I saw Sasha laying by Frank's feet, who stared at me with a surprised look on his face. I flashed him a smile.

Before I could say anything to Frank, Sasha came bounding over to me. She tackled me to the ground and rubbed her face against mine. She was purring so loudly she was shaking the ground.

Sasha wrapped her paws around me hugged me tightly. I hugged her back, holding on tightly.

"Oh, Sasha," I murmured. "I missed you."

Sasha made a sound in agreement. She eventually got off me and Frank helped me up. He stared at me momentarily before tackling me in a hug. I wrapped my arms him tightly. I stumbled back and ran into a wall. Frank hugged me tightly, burying his head into my shoulder.

He pulled back and placed hands on either side of my face, tears running down his face. "Are you real? Are you actually here?"

I nodded, gripping Frank's wrists. "I'm here, Frank. I'm real. I'm alive."

Frank blinked away some tears and pressed his forehead against mine. "I thought you would die down there. I was scared."

I moved a hand to Frank's cheek. "Well, I didn't die. I'm alive and well enough. What's for breakfast?"

Frank smiled and pulled back. He led me to the table and slid his plate over. He handed me another fork and I started eating. Sasha came up behind me and rested her head on my lap.

Jason stared at me in surprise. "What are you doing here, Ezzy? You're supposed to be in Tartarus."

"Well, I'm not," I said. "I know, big surprise. But I got out, thanks to Hecate. I wouldn't have gotten out of there if it wasn't for her. And technically, I wasn't supposed to be down there in the first place."

Piper looked at me, worry plastered on her face. "We're glad you're back, Ezzy. Tartarus must've been horrifying."

I nodded, swallowing some food. "It was. I don't suggest stopping there. It's not pretty and the air isn't all that healthy."

Piper smiled a little. "Wouldn't want to anyway. Did you happen to see Annabeth or Percy down there?"

I shook my head. "I didn't, but they're still alive. I know they are. I could sense them down there, like they were right there beside me."

Hazel and Nico shared a look.

"But you aren't a child of the underworld, Esmeralda," Nico said. "I don't think you can do that."

I made little finger guns at Nico. "That's where you're wrong, mi amigo. Hades gave Hecate power over the Underworld, so I can do a lot of you and Hazel can do. I also can do a lot of what Jason and Percy can do, as Hecate has power over the seas and skies."

"What?" Jason asked. "No, you can't."

I rolled my eyes and snapped my fingers. A small raincloud appeared over Jason's head, rain pouring over his head. Jason leaped up and the cloud disappeared. He stared at his wet clothes before looking at me in disbelief.

"See?" I said. "I told you. Don't underestimate a child of Hecate, for we have a few aces up our sleeves."

Jason glared at me before sitting back down. Piper placed a hand on Jason's shoulder and looked at me.

I stood up and shoved my plate away, suddenly not hungry anymore. "I'll be in my room if anyone needs me."

I left the mess hall, Frank following close behind me. I marched up the stairs, taking two at a time. I slammed my door open. I started cleaning my room, something I did whenever I was mad.

"Didn't your dad ever tell you to not slam doors?" Frank said.

I threw a shirt at him. "I don't remember, but I'm mad."

Frank took a few steps towards me. "I know. Jason had no right to doubt you."

"At least someone agrees with me," I said, throwing my blankets back on me. "Jason is always doubting me and saying I can't do things. Just because he's the leader of a Roman army doesn't mean he can boss me around. No offense."

Frank started helping me clean my room. "None taken. I was wondering-" I stopped and looked at Frank. "- if you meant what you said. About loving me. Before you fell into Tartarus."

"Of course," I said, throwing a shirt into the dirty pile. "I wouldn't lie to you. I really, truly meant it. Did you?"

Frank bashfully looked at the ground, shuffling his feet. "Yes. Ever since I saw you, I couldn't help but fall in love with you. I tried to push it away because I was dating Hazel, but I realized I couldn't ignore it.

"I was going to tell you before you fell into Tartarus," Frank continued. "But when I saw you hanging over the pit, I couldn't let you go without telling you. In case you died."

I reached out and grabbed Frank's hand. "I understand. I didn't think I'd survive either, but I did. I'm here and I'm alive. We can do this whole dating thing, if you want, though I must admit I have no idea what I'm doing."

Frank smiled widely and blushed really hard. "Yes, we can. I don't know what I'm really doing either."

I shrugged. "You know more than I do. I haven't dated anyone before. You have."

Frank pulled me closer. "It'll be fine, Ezzy. We'll figure it out."

I wrapped my arms around Frank's neck and kissed his check. He blushed and smiled widely.

"Can you help me clean my room?" I asked.

"Of course."

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