VIII. Bandit

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My eyes shot to where the arrow came from. I followed its path to the top to a large cliff. I spotted the archer who shot at us.

I pointed at him. "Up there. Single archer. See him?"

"Who the hell is he?" Leo demanded. "Why is he firing at us?"

"Guys?" Piper's voice was timid and thin. "There's a note."

I looked at the arrow. There was a little scroll tied to the arrow. I reached and untied it.

"Uh, Ezzy?" Leo asked. "You sure it's safe?"

I read the message. "Stand and deliver."

"What does that mean?" Coach complained. "We're already standing. Well, squatting. If the guy is expecting pizza, forget it!"

"Listen. There's more," I said. "This is a robbery. Send two of your party to the top of the cliff with your valuables. No more than two may come. Leave the magical horse and the griffin. No flying. No tricks. Just come."

"Climb what?" Leo asked.

Nico pointed. "Right there."

I followed his finger and saw a path to the top. It was very narrow and steep. One wrong step and it wouldn't be a fun way down.

I cleared my throat. "I do mean all your valuables. Otherwise, I will destroy you. You have five minutes."

"Destroy him with the catapults!" The coach cried.

"P.S.," I continued. "Don't think of using your catapults."

The coached cursed. "This guy is good."

I shook my head. I hadn't heard of any stories of about this guy at all. I wasn't exactly up to date on my mythology though.

The weasel stared intently at Hazel. She hadn't been tested yet. I knew she couldn't control the Mist yet but I knew she would. She had to in order to beat this guy. If Hazel couldn't, I would step in and deal with the guy.

Leo looked up at the cliff. "That's not a good trajectory. Even if I arm the catapults and the guy doesn't stick us with some arrows, I can't make that shot. That's hundreds of feet, almost straight up."

"Yeah," Frank grumbled. "I'm useless with my bow. He's got the advantage. I can't reach him."

"I could," I said. When everyone looked at me with blank expressions, I continued. "I could open a portal up there and get us to where he is. It's an easy thing for me to do. We just have to be quick to get him down. I have a feeling he's a good shot. I don't think he missed Piper on purpose."

"I'll go," Hazel said.

I smiled at her. "Perfect idea, Hazel. I'll be watching. If you need help, I'll step in. But I'll sure you'll deal with it on your own."

Hazel nodded, fear showing her face. "I hope so, Ezzy. I trust you."

"I'll go too," Jason said.

I grinned. "Have fun storming the castle, my dears."


I stood on the ship, watching Piper and Jason climb the steep cliff. Once they got to the top, I would go out of body and be with them. I wanted to help if something happened.

I saw them disappear over the ridge and I closed my eyes. I appeared on the hill and saw them. They were out of breath and panting heavily. Hazel whipped a bead of sweat off her forehead.

I saw Gale scamper off into the bushes. I saw the Argo II in the distance and it looked like a toy boat. I had no idea how the archer could accurately hit the boat without hitting anyone.

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