VI. Venice

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I stood beside Frank, my shoulder brushing his. We had gotten to Venice and there were these weird monsters with shaggy hair. They didn't match with the rest of the beautiful landscape. They kind of looked like a dog/cow hybrid.

"What are those?" Hazel asked, confused as hell.

I shrugged. "No idea, but the mortals think they're dogs."

"Or pets roaming around," Piper said. "My dad shot a film here once and I remember him saying there were dogs everywhere. Venetians love dogs."

"But what are they?" Frank asked. "They look like shaved cows with shaggy sheepdog hair."

"Maybe they're harmless," Leo suggested. "They're ignoring the mortals."

I ran a hand through my hair. "Doesn't mean they won't hurt us."

"I agree with Ezzy," Hedge said. "None of the monsters we run into are harmless."

"We'll have to walk through them and hope they don't attack us," Frank said. "It's the only way we'll find the owner of that book."

Leo pulled out the leather-bound book. There was a sticky note on the cover with the directions the dwarfs had given him.

"La Casa Nera," Leo read. "Calle Frezzeria."

"The Black House," Nico translated. "Calle Frezzeria is the street name."

I looked at Nico. "You speak Italian?"

Nico gave a small nod. "Frank is right. We have to find the address the dwarfs gave us. The only way is through the city. We have to go through the crowds and . . . whatever those are."

Thunder rumbled through the sky. I looked up. There weren't any clouds but I could feel the negative charge in the air.

Jason looked out across the horizon, frowning. "I should stay on board. Lots of venti in that storm last night. If they attack the ship . . ."

We all had experiences with angry wind spirits. Jason was the only one who could fight them.

I whistled loudly. "I'll take Sasha and keep watch from the sky."

"Thanks, Ezzy," Hazel thanked.

I nodded. Sasha came spiraling from above and I climbed on her back. Sasha spread her wings and we took off.

Sasha and I flew over Venice. The mortals saw us as a flock of birds over their heads. That was one of the best things about being a child of Hecate.

I threw my head back and took a deep breath. I loved being up in the air. The air was so fresh and great. It was way better than down in Tartarus.

My hair blew violently behind me and my clothes blew against my body in the wind. I felt at ease, like the world wasn't going to end soon.

Sasha cawwed. I knew exactly what that meant and grabbed onto Sasha's neck. I didn't ride her with a saddle. I didn't want to weigh her down.

Sasha dove down, tucking her wings in. I pressed myself against her, holding on tightly as Sasha spiraled toward Venice. I laughed like a maniac as we dove. I loved doing this kind of thing with Sasha.

Sasha's wings shot out and we caught a current of wind. Sasha occasionally flapped her wings as we flew. Sasha banked to the side, making a turn.

We headed back to the ship. It was had been an hour since we had left and it was probably a really good idea to head back.

Sasha slowly descended as we got closer to the boat. Sasha coasted the last part to the boat and landed, trotting to a stop. The others were gathered on the deck and they turned to look at me. Jason and Leo had joined them.

I got off Sasha and joined the others. I stood by Frank, resting my head on his shoulder. He wrapped an arm around me.

Hazel leaned against the railing, looking even sicker. She was pale and had a greenish tint to her.

"Hazel, you alright?" I asked.

"Poison happened," Hazel groaned.

Nico rubbed Hazel's shoulder. "Those beasts? They breathe poison on you if you get too close. Hazel got too close."

I reached out and touched Hazel. The green disappeared from her face and she looked healthier.

"You should feel better now," I said.

Hazel took a deep breath and smiled. "Thanks, Ezzy."

I nodded, smiling back. "You're welcome, Hazel."

Everyone dissipated. Everyone but Frank and I went downstairs. We had guard duty. I stayed at the controls, making sure everything was running smoothly.

Frank stood beside me. He took my hand in his and squeezed. I looked over at him and smiled.

"I honestly don't know that much about you, Ezzy," Frank said. "What are you like?"

I tapped the control panel in front of me. "Well, my friends describe me as quirky and funny. I make great jokes and puns. I have an attitude and I'm quite sarcastic."

Frank's hand brushed against my back as it travelled to my hip. "I don't mind. I'll get used to it. I'll understand that you aren't trying to be rude."

I kissed Frank's cheek. "Thank you, Frank."

Frank and I talked for hours before the next two came up to relieve us. We went downstairs and Frank followed me into my room. I sat on my bed and Frank sat in my chair.

"How did you get Sasha?" Frank asked.

"I didn't get Sasha," I clarified. "She came to me. I don't control her. Sasha is a free spirit. She was a gift from Hecate. Sasha comes whenever I need her. She's saved me so many times."

"That's what friends are for, right?" Frank asked.

"Yeah, I guess," I said. "I love Sasha."

"She seems intimidating to me," Frank said, fingering a small hole in his jeans. "She's big and has a scary look."

I laughed. "Griffins are like that. Most griffins are evil. They don't like demi-gods like us. But there are a few that are followers of Hecate. Sasha is one of them."

Frank leaned forward. "Maybe one day you could take me for a ride."

I smiled. "That would be great. We'll have so much fun."

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