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"WHAT DO YOU MEAN THAT by rule number seven — Kwon Jiha must have fun?" shouted Jiha, failing to catch up to the much taller boy in front of her.

"It means what it says, pea brain," Donghyuck teased, playfully rolling his eyes at the younger girl who walked with a tongue poked on her cheek, almost sulking.

"Bitch," Jiha said quietly, sighing heavily and rubbing her eyes, "I can't comprehend the simplest things because I'm tired from trying to find you a match all day last night, so cut me some slack."

"Well, it means that while you're trying to find a date for me and giving me advice for my dates, you should be happy about it," Donghyuck replied. "I'm not asking you to force yourself, though."

"So, what you're saying is I should have fun."

"Yes." Donghyuck was huffing at this point, baffled at Jiha's capability to understand today. "Damn, how long did you stay up last night?"

"Uh, until four in the morning at least."

"Are you crazy?!" Donghyuck stopped, and Jiha bumped into his chest. While she groaned in pain, the boy took hold of her shoulders and shook her. "Why are you so desperate to find me a date?"

"Duh," she said sarcastically and continued walking, Donghyuck trailing behind her. "I don't want you to be alone."

"I'm not alone. I have you."

Jiha stopped in her tracks, cheeks flushed even though she was being pushed through dozens of warm people. "Idiot. I meant a girlfriend."

"You can be my girlfriend," he joked, giggling.

Jiha's heart can leap up any minute now. She's scared that Donghyuck will hear her heart beating rapidly under the shouts of the market sellers and the hustle of the July weather. Why is she being like this? This isn't like her. Back when she used to visit Donghyuck in Jeju, she felt fine. No racing hearts, no flustered cheeks — but why now?

Why would her heart crave for someone that can't even look at her without thinking she's only his best friend?

God, it hurt to even admit that she'll only be a friend and nothing more. Maybe in an alternate universe, she'll be seen as someone more than a matchmaker and a best friend. But as much as she craves to be in that universe, it's not ever going to happen.

Jiha needed to find Donghyuck a date before she falls for him completely and she'll come back home with a broken heart.

"Tsk, do you think I'll like you? You're loud."

What a damn lie.

"Psh, everyone likes me," Donghyuck pouted, putting a hand on the younger's head.

"Except from Cho Kiyoung."

"You're not wrong."

Jiha giggled, and continued walking until Donghyuck dragged her to an alley — where it led, she doesn't have a clue.


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