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"Someone please help!" I smirked at the call and teleported to it. A girl with brown hair was surrounded by a group of men in an alley. One of the men grabbed her by her arm and yanked her to him.

"Get off me you perv! I'll kill you!" She seethed. I rose an eyebrow at her threat. I didn't see that coming.

"Ahm" I cleared my throat. Everyone turned their attention to me. "Leave the poor girl alone, you drunks."

"And what will you do if we don't." One of the men sneered. I smirked and drew out my claws.

"Would you like for me to save you, miss?" I asked the girl.

"Yes!" She answered immediately.

"It'll come with a price." I said.

"What price?"

"Your soul." I answered.

"W-What!? I-"

"We'll make a contract. I'll do anything you say, as your maid of course, and at the end of our contract you'll give me your soul." I said. "What is your goal for me"

"I want you to help me be the best serial killer in my family." She said. I chuckled and nodded at her, "so be it". She immediately fell to the ground screaming in pain. I felt my contract etch onto my hand while hers appeared on her neck.

"What is your first order for me mistress?" I asked.

"K-Kill these perverts." She said. I smiled and lunged at the idiot who didn't run for their lives. I sliced away their skin and watched their lives drain from their eyes. I straightened my black hair and smiled down at my shocked master.

"Shall we leave mistress." I asked, hearing the faint shouts of policemen.

"Yes hurry." She said. I nodded and picked her up. She gasped and held onto my neck. I jumped up and landed on top of a house.

"Where is your home, mistress?" I asked.

"I don't have a home. My family was killed and the house I lived in was ransacked and burned down." She said.

"Hm very well, I shall make you a mansion." I said and ran in a random direction. Once we were in a clear open spot I built a mansion that I thought was perfect.

"How did you make this that fast?" Mistress asked

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"How did you make this that fast?" Mistress asked.

"It's a little thing called skills." I said. She giggled and shook her head. "Mistress what shall you name me."

"Um, how about y/n?" She said.

"Very well. What shall I call you my mistress." I asked.

"My name is Amy Thornwood, but you will call me mistress as any maid would." She said. I nodded and gave her a fake smile.

"Tomorrow we shall go and kill your first citizen but for now I will teach you the basics." I said and led her inside of the mansion. The creme colors of the house flowed and sparkled under the lights. I walked over to a door and opened wide for my mistress to walk in. She sat down at a desk and looked around the room. I drew a picture of a human on the chalkboard and labeled all of the major arteries and pressure points that could do damage to the body.

"My lady, shall we get started?"

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