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Ciel's Pov

I sighed and rubbed my temples. I placed the envelope from the queen on my desk and got up from my seat. There's been another attack but this time it was from bullets.

"My lord please relax. We'll find out the culprit soon." Sebastian said. I ignored him and paced around the room.

"We need to see the Undertaker." I said and walked out of my office. I could hear Sebastian behind me so I kept walking. Once we were outside Sebastian helped me inside of the carriage and drove us to the undertaker's shop. The mission stayed in my mind, wracking my every thought.

Sebastian said it was a snake demon but why would a demon go on a killing spree for no reason. They weren't eating them so I don't see the point, and how are they roaming around? Shouldn't they be in hell waiting for a contract?

"Young Master we're here." Sebastian said, taking me out of my thoughts. He helped me out and led me inside of the undertaker's shop.

"Undertaker? Where are you, I have questions for a mission." I said. A crackly chuckled originated from a coffin beside me which gave away the fool's position.

"Ah My lord, I was expecting you." Undertaker chuckled.

"We came to ask about the killings that have been happening recently." I said.

"Ah yes. Well, you know the price, my lord." He said. I sighed and swayed my hand towards Sebastian, "Go, Sebastian, I don't have all day."

"Yes my lord." He said. I stepped out of the store and waited. Suddenly the Undertaker started to laugh which shook the whole shop. I waited until he calmed down before entering again.

"Ahem, well my lord on several bodies there're claw marks-"

"Yes, we already know that. Do you think whoever it is has some kind of motive?" I interrupted.

"Hmm not that I can think of. But I heard they happen all at night." Undertaker said.

"We'll be back for more questions." I said taking in the new info, "Let's go, Sebastian."

"I sense that you have a plan, my lord?" Sebastian asked. I nodded and explained the plan.

Y/n's Pov

"I'm so pumped for tonight." My lady said jumping up and down. I was serving her lunch so she would have energy for tonight.

"My lady if you hurry we'll scope out the area before nightfall." I said. She cheered and stuffed her face.

"Done!" She shouted. I raised an eyebrow at her messy face.

"What? Do I have something on my face?" She asked. I chuckled and nodded. She toke a napkin and wiped her mouth.

"Better?" She asked.

"Better." I replied.

"Let's go stroll through the city." I said. She nodded and got up. I dressed her into a cute dress and of course this one time she had to wear a corset, which she didn't take to well.

I brought her to the carriage outside and helped her inside. Once she was inside I went to the front and drove. As we neared the city I could hear the citizens talking and children playing. I rode into the city and scanned the area for any good sniping areas or alleyways.

"Y/n let's walk for a bit." My lady said from the back.

"Of course my lady." I said and pulled over. I helped her out and walked over to the horses.

"Go home." I whispered into the horse's ear. It neighed and nudged me. I smiled and stepped back. The horse ran into the direction of the mansion which made me pleased.

"Would you like to go anywhere in particular?" I asked my mistress.

"Um, maybe that jewelry shop." She said pointing to a small store. I nodded and gave her a smile. She began walking to the shop so I followed closely behind. When we entered a man who was working behind the cash register sneered at us.

"What is a little kid like you is doing here?" He said staring at my mistress. I grabbed my lady's shoulders and led her around the store.

"I want this." She said pointing to a beautiful snake pendant.

"It's very beautiful my lady." I said as an approval. She nodded enthusiastically.

"Excuse me, sir. We'll take this one" I said pointing to the beautiful necklace that was trapped in a glass case. He trudged over and hummed.

"That'll be 1000 pounds." He said. I glared at him before looking at the price.

"The price tag says 600. You're cheating us!" I said.

"Sorry lady, I can't help you. Either pay the 1k or get the hell out." He said chuckling. I hissed lowly and grabbed my lady.

"Let's go, mistress." I said and dragged her out. Once we left the shop I gave her a slight nod. She grinned wickedly and nodded back.

Sebastian x readerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora