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After a long night of learning I sent my mistress to bed while I protected the area. I scanned the dark woods and noticed a figure watching me. I stuck my forked tongue out and licked the air. An overwhelming smell of a male demon swarmed my nose. I hissed as a warning. The figure walked forward to show a male demon with black hair and purple eyes.

"This is your final warning to leave. If you do not heed this warning, I can guarantee that you will not leave with your life." I said. He ignored me and sniffed the air. He shot his eyes to my mistress window and stared at it with fuchsia eyes. I hissed and threw a knife at the male. Surprisingly he wasn't fast enough to dodge the attack which led to him getting stabbed in the stomach.

"Ahaha what a lucky night it is" I cheered. "A lowly male like you to arrive when I'm in need of more power." I said. He fell to the ground and clutched his wound. I walked over to him and picked him up by his throat. He tried to kick me but missed. I slammed his back into the ground, knocking the wind out of him.

"Anything else you would like me o say before I take your soul?" I asked. He just stared at me with lust filled eyes which made me excited. I smirked and kissed the crook of his neck. He gasped and grabbed my waist.

"Don't worry it will be over soon." I whispered in his ear. I unhooked my jaw and filled my fangs with my lethal poison. I bite harshly into the male's neck and felt his grip loosen until they fell back to his side. I fixed my jaw and looked at the paralyzed prey. His eyes followed me but other than that everything else was paralyzed.

"How does it feel to have my venom course through your body? It destroying and eating away every muscle as we speak. Does it hurt?" I asked. He just stared at me which made me smirk.

"I shall make this quick then." I said and kissed him on the mouth. I slipped my forked tongue down his throat and sucked every ounce of his soul. I swallowed the bitter treat and got off of the corpse. I walked around for a little while just in case someone else comes.

Once the sun came up I went inside of the mansion and walked to my mistress room. I let myself in and opened her curtains. She groaned and flipped around.

"Mistress it's time for breakfast. Let's get dressed now." I said. She groaned once again and got up.

"Good morning my lady, I hope you had a good rest." I said.

"Thanks, y/n." She said rubbing her eyes. I picked her up and walked into the bathroom. I ran her a bath and sat her inside.

"Can you bath yourself, my lady?" I asked.

"Of course I can! I'm not a baby y/n." She said. I bowed and gave her a fake smile, "of course my lady. I will get breakfast ready. Call me once you are done." I said and left the room. I went to the kitchen and cooked some pancakes, eggs, and bacon. I placed the dish onto a cart with some OJ. I rolled the cart back to my lady's room where it will be eaten once she was done getting dressed. I picked out a cute outfit that was easy to move in and comfortable.

"y/n I'm finished!" My lady shouted.

"I'm coming mistress" I said and opened the door. She looked at me shocked. "Let's get you dressed." I said walking back to the bedroom. I wrapped a blindfold on and gave my lady her under clothes.

"What about the corset y/n?" My mistress asked.

"How will you tell the world that you're not another low life if you can't move freely? Corsets aren't necessary for you my lady." I said. I helped her into her new outfit and once she was finished, I took off my blindfold and served breakfast.

"This is delicious y/n!" Mistress said stuffing her face.

"Please calm down my lady." I chuckled. She blushed and nodded.

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