8th Grade; The Singing Contest (Part 1/2)

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Virgil's POV

Roman and I were sitting in my kitchen. We were just talking, not doing much. 

"Im bored." Roman complained, but he just made me laugh because how how dramatic he was being. 

"Poor Princey. What do you suggest we do?" I asked him.

"I don't know? Sing?" He suggested. I shrugged.

"Why not? You want to do a competition, or just sing?" I asked him, I saw a giant smile appear on his face when I suggested a singing competition. 

"Let's have a competition!" He announced while jumping up from his chair and running into the living room. 

"Wait for me!" I ran after him, laughing as I did so. I just found his enthusiasm to be so cute.


"Dad, Logan. Can you be the judges of our singing contest?" Roman asked him.

"Of course Kiddo." Patton told him.

"I suppose I could." My Dad answered him.

"What song are you going to sing?" I asked.

"I know what Im going to sing. You just sit." He told me, so I sat down on the couch in-between my Dad and Patton.

"You ready?" He asked, he had just set up the music and it started to play. 


(Start Music Here)

"Say there's this person you pass in the hall every day"

"You've known him since first grade 
You're used to thinking about him in a certain way
From the persona that he displayed" 

Roman was looking at me, I was starring back. I knew what he was singing. And I was probably interpreting it wrong, I thought that he was talking to me, but he was clearly just singing the song.

"Then something changes, and he changes."

"From a guy that you'd never be into
Into a guy that you'd kinda be into
From a guy that id never be into
Into a guy that id kinda be into"

"Is he worth it?"

He glanced at Patton and my Dad they both seemed to have given him a little nod.


He drug out the name. I was kind of hoping that he would have said my name, but I guess you can't change all the lyrics, even though he only changed seventh grade to first, but we met when we were three, so he must have been referring to someone else.

"Is he...Is he talking about me?" I asked Patton and my Dad.

"Of course he is." Patton said with a smile.

"Keep it up." My Dad had directed that towards Roman, but Roman clearly didn't hear it.

"Say theres this person that you neve knew that well."

"He is totally into you." Patton reassured me.

"You thought that you had him pegged
But now you can tell
He's gone froma guy that you'd never be into
Into a guy that you'd kinda be into
From a guy that I'd never be into
Into a guy that I'd kinda be into" 

"Is he worth it?" He asked again.

"Jeremy~" He dragged it out as well.

"Absolutely." I whispered under my breath.

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