11th Grade; Meeting Someone New

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Virgil's POV

It was a Friday, and I've had a very stressful day so Im glad it was finally over.

We had to take a test in three different classes! And I have no idea if I passed or not, and then people kept mentioning us in their conversations, as if that hasn't already passed yet. And then a couple walked up to us and asked:

"How do you two not get tired of each other? When you spend every waking moment with each other don't you get annoyed with one another?" The girl asked us.

"No, because we love each other." Roman answer.

And then our classes got held up at the end of the day because our school had to discuss 'matters' with us, and it was so stressful.


We were currently chilling on the couch, I had my legs draped over the left arm of the couch, Roman had his legs draped over the right arm, and our heads were right next to each other. We were being major couch potato's, but I didn't care much. We were enjoying the peaceful silence.

Until Roman's phone buzzed.

He looked at his phone. It was from Joan.

'Do you want to meet up at the park?' It read.

"What do you say?" Roman asked me.

"Hey Dad!" I called out, he walked out of the kitchen to see us.

"Wow, you two look so dormant. What was it that you needed?" He asked.

"Can we go to the park?" Roman asked.

"Please do, I can't stand watching you two being so lazy." My Dad waved us off, and then walked back into the kitchen. Roman replied with, 'Ya, see you soon'

And then we left.


The park wasn't too far away from the house so we just walked. It wasn't one of those parks with all the play equipment, but one that was filled with trees and had a fountain, and benches, and people walking their dogs. And it was mid-autumn so it also felt nice.

We walked over to our normal meeting spot, hand-in-hand. We soon saw Joan and Thomas waiting there.

"Hi guys!" Thomas exclaimed, he was probably the most upbeat out of all of us, even compared to Roman. 

"Sup." I greeted.

"Greetings!" Roman dramatically bowed.

"So, what did you want to do?" Roman asked them.

"I don't know, I was just bored sitting at home. Wanna just walk?" Joan offered.

"Sure." Roman and I said in unison.


We were strolling through the park, Roman and I never letting go of each other's hand, Joan and Thomas walking along right next to us. But then we came across a girl that was sitting in an area shaded by all the trees. She had blue and pink hair. And she looked about our age.

"Hi, what's your name?" Joan walked up to her, we all followed.

"Talyn." She stated. 

"Im Joan, Im non-bionary, this is Thomas, Roman, and Virgil." They said pointing to all of us.

"Im also non-bionary." Oh, well then I probably shouldn't refer to them as she. 

"You two look familiar." They stated pointing at me and then to Roman.

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