First Day of Kindergarten

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Virgil's POV

I had set an alarm so I could wake Lizzy up the next morning, she was starting school, and as much as I didn't want her to go, she had to. After we ate dinner and watched our nightly movie, she protested against going to bed again.

"I don't want to!" She stood up from where she was sitting and starred at us, her eyes like little daggers. She was on the verge of crying, she had picked up on my social anxiety so she really didn't want to see people. 

"But Princess, you have to get an education." Roman stood up with me and we walked over to her.

"But people can be scary." She cried.

"I know Sweetie. But you will be fine. We made it through school." I told her. 

"But you had each other. Right?" She sniffled.

"Would it make you feel better if I told you a story?" I asked her.

"A story?" She lifted up her head, a small smile on her face.

"Yes, anything you want." I picked her up and we all made our way to her room.

"I don't want a book story. I want a real story." She told us.

"Like what?" Roman asked her.

"Like, your child hood stories?" She shrugged. I smiled at that.

"Of course. But what story?" I asked thinking about it.

"I know!" She squealed, once I put her down she ran to grab one of our photo albums.

"This one." She pointed her pudgy finger at a photo of us. We were about her age, actually that was the first day we went to school.

"How convenient." Roman laughed. I tucked her in and we each sat on one side of her bed, as we tried to recall the memories.

"I remember thinking that your dad, Roman, was a jerk." I started out, Roman making an offend noise.

"But I didn't care because he was cute, and because we had been close three years prior." I told her. She giggled, her tears completely gone.

"And we had even gotten in trouble durning free time. I was terrified out of my mind, but Roman made me feel safer. We even got sent home early because Patton got upset with our teacher..." We told her the whole story but we had to cut it short because it was getting late.

"How about we tell you the rest tomorrow night?" I offered.

"Okay. Night Daddy!" She gave me a quick hug.

"Good night Sweetie." I told her.

"Night Daddy." She hugged Roman, and then laid down.

"Good night Princess." We walked out of the room and went to bed ourselves.


The next morning I woke up to the sound of my alarm. I turned it off and trudged out of bed. Roman slowly following me. We were never morning people.

"Lizzy, wake up." I slowly shook her but she hardly budged.

"No~" She rolled over avoiding me. 

"You have to." I tried to coax her out of bed.

"This brings me back." Roman laughed.

"Come on." I picked her up, and Rosie followed right behind not liking that I took her.

"Im not ready." She pouted wrapping  her arms around me and falling half asleep.

"Im sorry to burst your bubble but you have no choice." Roman laughed behind us.

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